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Disable zoom only when a valid hitTest target found

06-16-2021 03:54 AM
Emerging Contributor

Hi all,

Is there a way to disable double click zoom, only when a hitTest target has been found ?

I have tried  many ways, as to clone event and then dispatch it in case no hitest is found, or use emit.

But no solution for instance ! Something like view.emit( "double-click", evtCopy ) does nothing.

e.g. :


view.on("double-click", function(evt)
	const opts = {
		include: [layer1, layer2]
	//evt.stopPropagation();// Disable double-click zoom works but disables ALL cases
	view.hitTest(evt, opts).then(function(response)
		if( response.results.length )// check if a feature is returned from one of the aimed layers
			evt.stopPropagation();// This do not work as it is too late
			const graphic0 = response.results[0].graphic;
		else evt.native );// if not valid target, trigger regular dbl-click events anyway: not working







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