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Authentication Redirect is Suddenly Incorrect

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03-23-2021 07:08 AM
Occasional Contributor

I am working through a strange situation.  I had an application that has been working for years and then suddenly, the ArcServer stopped redirecting properly.  Here are the details:

URL of App:

URL of Portal:

Code (Simple Oauth for Portal)

          "esri/arcgis/Portal", "esri/arcgis/OAuthInfo", "esri/IdentityManager",
          "dojo/dom-style", "dojo/dom-attr", "dojo/dom", "dojo/on", "dojo/_base/array",
        ], function(arcgisPortal, OAuthInfo, esriId,
          domStyle, domAttr, dom, on, arrayUtils) {
          var info = new OAuthInfo({
              appId: "<>",
            portalUrl: "",
            authNamespace: "portal_oauth_inline",
            popup: false


When I click "Sign In," I am taken to the portal for authentication.  I "allow" the app to use my credentials.  At this point, it was redirecting back to the application and it was working just fine.  Now it redirects incorrectly to:  I validated the callback urls in the network traffic and they should be sending the callback to

I opened the application that is registered with the portal to validate the names in Application > Redirect URIs section.  Bottom line is that the application worked and now it seems to have stopped redirecting properly.  Are there settings in Portal that can mess this up?



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1 Solution

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Occasional Contributor

This issue seems to be dependent on several compounding factors not related to the development.  Client location and network inconsistencies seem to be the culprit though that is very odd.  Thank you for anyone who looked at the issue.

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1 Reply
Occasional Contributor

This issue seems to be dependent on several compounding factors not related to the development.  Client location and network inconsistencies seem to be the culprit though that is very odd.  Thank you for anyone who looked at the issue.

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