ArcGIS Javascript - Feature Layer

03-09-2020 03:02 AM
New Contributor III

I have built a map with two layers and the third layer is a feature layer which has data points. On initial load the first two layers load and the feature layer is added to the map once a user has selected a dropdown to pull in data from the DB.

The data is pulled and plotted to the map however when a user selects another option from the dropdown data is pulled and displayed on the map but with also the data from the previous selection that the user has selected.

I have set definitionExpression on the feature layer but the map still displays for both the selection. What might be the issue?

*I am using Esri Javascript Library v4.13.

Here is the code:

var selectedoption = document.getElementById("site_uuid");
 selectedoption.addEventListener("change", function(){

 var site_uuid =;
 type : "GET",
 url : '<?= Helper::url_base()?>Site/get_one/'+site_uuid,
 dataType : "json"

// Set the extent on the view
view.extent = new Extent({
 xmin: response.xmin,
 ymin: response.ymin,
 xmax: response.xmax,
 ymax: response.ymax,
 spatialReference: {
 wkid: 4326 

 //site data function defined below 

var data = function(site_uuid){

 type : "GET",
 url:'<?=Helper::url_base() ?>public/featurelayerdata/'+site_uuid, 
 dataType : "json"

 const fields = [
 new Field({
 name: "id",
 alias: "ObjectID",
 type: "oid"
 }), new Field ({
 name: "site_name",
 alias: "site_name",
 type: "string"
 }), new Field ({
 name: "site_code",
 alias: "site_code",
 type: "string"
 }),new Field ({
 name: "longitude",
 alias: "longitude",
 type: "string"
 }), new Field ({
 name: "lattitude",
 alias: "lattitude",
 type: "string"
 }), new Field ({
 name: "time",
 alias: "time",
 type: "date"

 const data = new FeatureLayer({

 source: response,
 definitionExpression:"site_code = '" + site_uuid + "'",
 title: "_", 
 fields: fields,
 popupTemplate: template,
 timeInfo: {
 startField: "time",

 interval: { 
 unit: "years",
 value: 1


 renderer: {
 type: "unique-value", 
 field: "type_data",
 uniqueValueInfos: [{

 value: "Unknown",
 symbol: {
 type: "simple-marker", 
 color: "purple",
 size: 6,
 outline: { 
 width: 0.5,
 color: "white"
 }, {

 value: "Information not recorded",
 label: "<?=__('Information not recorded');?>",
 symbol: {
 type: "simple-marker", 
 color: "orange",
 size: 6,
 outline: { 
 width: 0.5,
 color: "white"
 value: "Other",
 label: "<?=__('Other');?>",
 symbol: {
 type: "simple-marker", 
 color: "blue",
 size: 6,
 outline: { 
 width: 0.5,
 color: "white"
 legendOptions : {
 title: "<?=__('Legend');?>"


legend.layerInfos = [{
 layer: data,
 title: "<?=__('Legend');?>"

 view.ui.add(timeSlider, "manual");


 view.whenLayerView(data).then(function(lv) {

 layerView = lv; 

 const fullTimeExtent = data.timeInfo.fullTimeExtent;

 // set up time slider properties
 // timeSlider.fullTimeExtent = fullTimeExtent;
 const start = data.timeInfo.fullTimeExtent.start;
 const end = data.timeInfo.fullTimeExtent.end;

 const yr_start = new Date(start); 
 var yr_year = yr_start.getFullYear();
 var yr_month = yr_start.getMonth();
 var yr_day = yr_start.getDay();
 var start_yr = new Date(yr_year, 0,1);

 const d_start = new Date(start); 
 var year = d_start.getFullYear();
 var month = d_start.getMonth();
 var day = d_start.getDate();
 var next_yr = new Date(year + 1, month, day);

 const d_end = new Date(end); 
 var year = d_end.getFullYear();
 var month = d_end.getMonth();
 var day = d_end.getDay();
 var next_yr_end = new Date(year + 1, month, day);

 timeSlider.fullTimeExtent = {
 start: start_yr,
 end: next_yr_end
 timeSlider.stops = {
 interval: data.timeInfo.interval

 timeSlider.values = [start,next_yr];



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2 Replies
MVP Emeritus


It looks like you are creating the feature layer from clientside features. 

The timeInfo property, along with its startField and endField properties, must be set at the time of layer initialization if it is being set for a GeoJSONLayerCSVLayer or FeatureLayer initialized from client-side features.

New Contributor III

I have set the endField property but the problem still persists

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