Doug, thanks for the info.
I guess my frustrations stem from false assurances and promises that I have received from the Flex Team. I have had conversations with different members of the team at the last 2 dev summits, and each time I am assured that the Flex API will include offline editing and soon. At the 2012 summit, I was assured it was slated for development and would be ready by the end of 2012. At the 2013 summit, I discussed this issue with Dasa, among others, and he stated it was believed that it would be included following the release of 10.2. On June 3rd (with the excitement of the forthcoming 3.4 release), I sent an email to Dasa asking for clarification on this topic, and he forwarded my question to Bjorn Svensson (Lead Product Engineer for the Esri Flex Team) who responded with disappointing news. He stated that the 3.4 release would not support offline mapping and editing, but that it would be supported later this year. I again asked for timeline clarification, and he responded stating that the replica stuff would be available in the September (maybe August) release, meaning 3.5. When the 3.5 release was made public, of course the replica stuff was not in there.
The Server side piece was delivered in ArcGIS Online in the past release, inside hosted feature services. The goal is to have this same feature in the ArcGIS for Server 10.2.1 release which is due out before 2014.
Are you saying here that, my instance of ArcGIS Server does not support the offline editing, but will in the 10.2.1 release? And when that happens, the Flex team will be able to add this functionality to the API?
I am confused by your recommendation to take a look at hacking my way around TPKs when TPK basemaps are part of the core functionality of the Flex API. In looking at the resources page I find it has been since the 3.1 release, right? Am I missing your point?