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Query result incomplete

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05-08-2012 11:47 AM
New Contributor III
Afternoon Flex Comrades,

Got a little dilemma here everyone.  I've created a query task that returns a very large number of results (1,000 - 2,000 records or so); I'm querying electrical distribution line circuits.  I cranked the max number of records in the service config file to 50,000 (yes, fifty thousand).  Well, when I add the resulting graphic for the query there are still several pieces of the geometry missing.  Does anyone know of a max. number of graphics allowed or perhaps some sort of time limit a query will run before stopping?  Has anyone else encountered this and know of a solution?  I'm working with ArcGIS Server 9.3, also.  Please advise.

Thomas McCracken
GIS Analyst
Georgia Power Company
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1 Solution

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New Contributor III
Alright, after changing absolutely nothing in my code it started working.  Talked to IT folks and they said they had re-started the server and done some other stuff so that must have done it. I guess this hasn't been happening for anyone else but if it does just get your IT to play with the server a little and do their voodoo IT magic on it.

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3 Replies
Regular Contributor
I dont have the answer to your question, but maybe a possible solution.
50,000 records is too much and you will run into client side issues.
I would suggest just getting the results based on the users current extent and re-query on extent changed so you limit the graphics added each time.

Or create a map service out of the data so you dont need the geometry when querying.

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New Contributor III
No, limiting graphics is not the problem.  I need more graphics, one for each record returned from the query.  That is why I upped the max number returned to 50,000.  I already have a map service of the data; that is what I'm querying from.  The user needs to query the service to highlight a the particular features he is looking for. Unfortunately, when they perform the query not all of the matching records are getting graphics added to them.  I can't figure out why this happens but that is the behavior.  Thanks for the suggestion though.
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New Contributor III
Alright, after changing absolutely nothing in my code it started working.  Talked to IT folks and they said they had re-started the server and done some other stuff so that must have done it. I guess this hasn't been happening for anyone else but if it does just get your IT to play with the server a little and do their voodoo IT magic on it.
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