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Maps in Two Projections

06-02-2010 11:26 AM
Emerging Contributor
I have a need to view my maps in the Flex Viewer (or are we calling it Flash Viewer now?) in UTM 11N.  I need the data from the MGRS to be correct and that is projected to UTM.  Printed maps will be used to navigate using the MGRS.  However, the basemap (ESRI StreetMap, etc) is the WGS 84 projection.  How would this best / most easily be handled?

Thanks in advance...

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14 Replies
MVP Emeritus

   Seems weird doesn't it... But the first is the last... When the MapManager starts adding the mapservices from the config.xml the first one listed is added to the map and sets the spatial reference of the map and then the next one gets added (on top of that one) and so on. So the LiveMapsWidget is showing it as one would visually expect to see it with the first layer at the bottom.
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Emerging Contributor
Hmmm...ok...kinda one of those "why is the sky blue?  Because it is..." answers, but I can live with it for now.  It probably can be reversed in the widget somehow.  Thanks, for sure, Robert!

I'm going to post a print question next...maybe you can chime in on.  And I'm still trying to solve my ID widget issue.  😐

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Emerging Contributor
Ok, I set my extents to:
<map initialExtent="-160300 4684100 1165200 3843700" fullExtent="-304741 6062980 4501420 3011000">
in config.xml.  When the map starts, it goes to an area that there is obviously no data - just a dark screen.  If I click on my old bookmarks, then the overview map zooms to the correct OLD area (in Lat/Lon), the overview map then shows map parts, and when zoomed out enough, the map shows data from the StreetMap layer, but not mine.  So, something here is still not correct.

Is it something to do with the wrong extents?  If so, what would make it right?  And further, what needs to be done to have the overview map show the correct extents too, when things work the way they are supposed to?

Still workin...

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MVP Emeritus

   So the best way to get the values for your initial and full extent is to go to your REST Services Directory Page at http://ngnv-jhqj6-a014/ArcGIS/rest/services and choose the map service that has your most preferred data extent and there you will see values listed for initial and full extent. The overview widget needs to be set to use one of your map services that is in UTM in it's OverviewMapWidget.xml file. The second option is to add the extent and spatial reference to the OverviewMapWidget.mxml manually as in this example

  <esri:Map id="map" units="{Units.FEET}">
    <esri:Extent xmin="661140" ymin="-1420246" xmax="3015668" ymax="1594451">
     <esri:SpatialReference wkid="26777"/> <!-- NAD_1927_StatePlane_Kansas_North_FIPS_1501 -->
   <esri:ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer url=""/>
   <esri:ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer url=""/>
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Emerging Contributor
Thanks Robert...that helped some.

I adjusted my extents per the rest service file.  Then I commented out all map services except the facilities layer that has the MGRS grid.  Everything is correct and in the right projection.

When I add back in the Street Map layer (ESRI live maps) and reload the map, the Street Map layer loads over the facilities layer.  The Street Map layer is blank, but when turned off my layer is still in the correct place.  To me this means the Street Map layer is not reprojecting to be where my data is.  I have the Street Map layer loading with the Live Maps, rather than the Basemaps.  Thoughts about what might be wrong?

I've attached my config.xml file.
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