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Load Local Shapefile with Symbology and Attributes

07-14-2010 01:10 PM
by Anonymous User
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Original User: tbrophy

This is a question that I hope has been asked before:
Is there any way for my users to load a shapefile into my SFV while retaining the attributes and the symbology of the layer file?

I downloaded and am using �??Shape File Overlay for Sample Viewer�?� from the ArcGIS resource Center, submitted 3-4-2010 by �??HardWork�?�. It works great, but I need it go a step further.
Shape File Overlay for Sample Viewer

I really need the symbology and attributes to make it complete. Has anyone done this? Any suggestions would be incredibly appreciated!!!

I have 2 applications using Web Mercator & WGS84
Sample Flex Viewer: (Build 06.12.09)
Required Adobe Flash Player version 10

Attached are 2 sample shapefiles (and .lyr files) in both projections: (102100, 4326)
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24 Replies
by Anonymous User
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Original User: elmeras

Hello.  I believe you and I want the same thing.  I asked as similar question on the thread below:
I hope we get direction soon.  I will continue to check both of our threads and I will let you know if I receive any feedback.  Thanks - Allison
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Honored Contributor
A quick look at the description of the Shapefile Overlay description says it uses some of this library
and Mansour Raad's post here

The latest comments also state the file has been updated to include the DBF library needed to show attributes, so you may want to try downloading it again. Looks he compiled them into a nice .swc already. The source should be the same as here

If you check out the example Mansour provides, he also uses that DBF library from the same author to show the attribute data. Unforunately, I don't know of a way to read a .lyr file and parse it in Flex. I don't know enough about the internals of the file for that.
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by Anonymous User
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Original User: nathanenge

Have you been sucessful in getting the shapefile overlay to label based on attribute?
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Regular Contributor
Have you been sucessful in getting the shapefile overlay to label based on attribute?

Not yet. I was hoping this widget had already been created. This has to be a common workflow. . .
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by Anonymous User
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Original User: rjgonzalez73

Have you been sucessful in getting the shapefile overlay to label based on attribute?

Attached is a modified version of the shapefile overlay widget that allows you to modify the symbology, displays the first attribute and supports points, lines and polygons.  You will need to have the original shapefile widget installed and update with the attached files. 

Let me know if this works for you.  If it does, I can post it to the code gallery.

DISCLAIMER: An intern in my group modified the widget, so I didn't write the code.
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Regular Contributor
Attached is a modified version of the shapefile overlay widget that allows you to modify the symbology, displays the first attribute and supports points, lines and polygons. You will need to have the original shapefile widget installed and update with the attached files.

Let me know if this works for you. If it does, I can post it to the code gallery.

DISCLAIMER: An intern in my group modified the widget, so I didn't write the code.

Works great! Thank you so much. I got about 12 "3596: Duplicate variable definition" warnings in FB3, but I can live with that.

Have you done much re-projection work in Flex? Robert Scheitlin helped me out a bunch with this before he moved on to his work w/ SFV 2.0. I use Bing base maps in the Web Mercator Aux Sphere (102100) projection for my Flex project. Every time my users want to use this tool, they need to convert their shapefile from WGS 1984 Geographic (4326) à (102100) in ArcMap first. Do you know of a way to convert this �??on-the-fly�?�?

Note: The input shapefiles are always in (4326), so the conversion would always be the same.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again for the earlier help. I�??m going to implement it this week.
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by Anonymous User
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Original User: nathanenge

It worked for me as well, though I had to search the net for a couple of i_bold icons. thanks for this.
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Regular Contributor

Attached are the DrawWidget_wm adjusted files Robert Scheitlin helped me with some time ago. The code might help in the re-project on-the-fly. Thanks again.
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by Anonymous User
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Original User: rjgonzalez73

Works great! Thank you so much. I got about 12 "3596: Duplicate variable definition" warnings in FB3, but I can live with that.

I am using FB3 also and I get several 3596: Duplicate variable definition warnings, however the warnings point to my file. I am using a heavily customized version of the Sample Viewer, but I can download the original Sample Viewer and install the widget and see if I get the same warnings.

Have you done much re-projection work in Flex? Robert Scheitlin helped me out a bunch with this before he moved on to his work w/ SFV 2.0. I use Bing base maps in the Web Mercator Aux Sphere (102100) projection for my Flex project. Every time my users want to use this tool, they need to convert their shapefile from WGS 1984 Geographic (4326) à (102100) in ArcMap first. Do you know of a way to convert this �??on-the-fly�?�?

Note: The input shapefiles are always in (4326), so the conversion would always be the same.

I am new to Flex and GIS systems in general so I am trying to get up to speed and haven't done any re-projection work.  Sorry I am not able to help with this part of it.  Since I have received help from others on the forums, I wanted to share what I could.
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