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Legends not showing in Internet Explorer 8

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04-09-2012 07:06 AM
Regular Contributor II
I have a Flex Application that works great in Internet Explorer 9 and Firefox. However with Internet Explorer it does not show the colors for the legends, just the values. Do you guys could give me any ideas  what I need to change in my code so that IE 8 shows the legend colors? You can see on the image attached that the colors show correctly on the map but the legend does not show the colors for each values.
I am attaching the mxml and the html and the print screen. Many thanks!!![ATTACH=CONFIG]13340[/ATTACH]
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12 Replies
by Anonymous User
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Original User: ionara_wilson

I found a solution! I went to the flash player security settings and added the folder I had the data and the problem was solved. So I think the legend problem appeared just because the website has not been published on the web yet. I hope it helps anybody with the same problem.
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by Anonymous User
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Original User: suhana

I found a solution! I went to the flash player security settings and added the folder I had the data and the problem was solved. So I think the legend problem appeared just because the website has not been published on the web yet. I hope it helps anybody with the same problem.

Hi, can you elaborate a little on this please.
I am having similar problem where in internet explorer 8, the legend does not show for secured map services which use arcgis server token security through proxy.ashx and I am using java script api.
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Regular Contributor II
Hi Suhana

I found the legends were not showing when I was accessing the app from my local server (computer), but when I published in the real production server the legend was there. I think to make it work on your computer you have to go here:

And add the folder where your project is so the flash player regocnizes the drive and  folder. It worked for me. Good luck!!!
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