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Importing realtime sensor data into a Flex Common Operational Picture

11-24-2010 12:56 PM
New Contributor
Anyone out there have an hints or suggestion on how I could dump a very simple ascii format message received through a COM port into a Flex widget?  Right now I'm looking at using a datalogger to send parsed output to a SQL Server database and then trying to query the database every ~15seconds with a Flex tool.  I'm very new to this so I barely know where to begin.
-Greg Kouns, NPS-
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3 Replies
Frequent Contributor II
Flex can't access local resources in that manner and although AIR can access some local resources, as far as I know com/serial ports is not one of them. You may be able to write a small app in say Java that can write to the SQLlite db that AIR can read instead of having to send a query off to a server.

If this is a web app, you're method should work.
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Regular Contributor
If want to do this on the web using Flex you should use a web service written in some sort of server side language. Because you mentioned SQL Server, .NET is probably the way you want to go. You can write a WCF or ASP.NET web service to pull the data form the DB and then have Flex consume that web service.

One nice thing about web services is that generally they can be consumed by anything. So you could write the service and consume it in Flex, Silverlight, Windows Forms, WPF etc...

If .NET is the way you want to go simply Google .NET Web Services for samples.
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New Contributor
If want to do this on the web using Flex you should use a web service written in some sort of server side language. Because you mentioned SQL Server, .NET is probably the way you want to go. You can write a WCF or ASP.NET web service to pull the data form the DB and then have Flex consume that web service.

One nice thing about web services is that generally they can be consumed by anything. So you could write the service and consume it in Flex, Silverlight, Windows Forms, WPF etc...

If .NET is the way you want to go simply Google .NET Web Services for samples.

thanks to you both, I'll start by checking out the samples and go from there.
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