I added 3 text inputs to the Splash Widget (code follows) and am referencing the "Flex Viewer Widget Communication Explained" PDF (Thank you Robert) to pass the values to use in the links element of the eSearch Widget. Are there changes to this document for use in 2.5?
The resulting URL will be like http://blahblahFirstName=fname&LastName=lname&email=email&ID=PROJNUM Where fname, lname, and email are user entered data on the splash screen. PROJNUM references a project number from the feature layer used by eSearch Widget. The eSearch Widget is opened when the Viewer is launched. I'm getting stuck on what I need to include in the functions; any advice or resources would be very appreciated. Thank you.
You can pass data from the SplashWidget to the eSearch Widget as explained in the Flex Viewer Widget Communication Explained pdf. But from the sounds of it you are thinking you can use the eSearch URL search capability to take your data and build a url that will be searched by the eSearch and that is not going to work.
What you need to do is get an instance of the eSearch widget (as explained in the pdf) and call the public queryFromURL function from the splashwidget.