We are adding OAuth to a Flex Mobile app. We've looked at the online samples, but see none for Flex Mobile. We have the following: public function login():void
//Oath authentication - App id
var oAuthInfo:OAuthInfo = new OAuthInfo("........");
IdentityManager.instance.registerOAuthInfos([ oAuthInfo ]);
IdentityManager.instance.enabled = true;
defaultQueryParameters = new PortalQueryParameters();
portalService = new Portal();
portalService.addEventListener(FaultEvent.FAULT, esriService_faultHandler);
portalService.addEventListener(PortalEvent.LOAD, portalService_loadHandler);
portalService.addEventListener(PortalEvent.QUERY_ITEMS_COMPLETE, portalService_queryItemsCompleteHandler);
portalService.url = serverURL;
This works just fine, but we suspect we are missing some pieces for full OAuth. Could somebody let us know if we are correct, and what else we need add?Thanks--Matt