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Feature Layer on top of graphic layer

08-31-2011 06:22 AM
Occasional Contributor
Hi There

I have a point graphic layer that's beeing generated from a rest service.  Then I have a polygonal feature layer.  My problem is that the feature layer gets on top of the points and I can't click on the points any more.  Is there a way to "reorder" these so that the feature layer is draw under the graphics layer?

Thanks in advance

Steve Duquette
Parks Canada
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2 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor
You can use the Map's Reorder method to change the order of the layers.
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Occasional Contributor
Thanks kenbuja

That worked...I was to focused on trying to specify the depth of those layers instead of looking at the map component itself....I Implemented this with an event on "added" on the graphic layer with this (if others read the post):


private function fLayer_graphicAddHandler():void{
map.reorderLayer("MaCoucheGraphique", map.layers.length);

And in the xml:
<esri:GraphicsLayer click="graphic_clickHandlerParks(event)" added="fLayer_graphicAddHandler()" graphicProvider="{SharePoint.result}" id="MaCoucheGraphique"/>

Thanks again!

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