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Error #2032 in Flex Application

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11-05-2014 09:02 AM
Occasional Contributor III

I had a citizen email me stating that she couldn't access our Flex Application website and she is getting an error #2032.  I have tested the website on several different machines in my office and have had another couple try from other buildings.  None of them come up with the error message and the site works correctly.  Everyone is accessing the site via Adams County, City of Hastings, & Hastings Utilities.  Which is an external URL and not inside any networks that I have been testing it on.  So with that I'm convinced that it has to be setting somewhere with that person's computer and not an issue with the website itself.  She said she tried it on her husband's computer it didn't work either.  She is running Windows 7 and using IE11 and tried it in Firefox.  The computers I have tested is the same specs.  I have had her reinstall Flash Player and clear her browser cache.  With all the research I can't find any reason of why it is working everywhere else but not in this particular location.  I am attaching a screenshot of the error she is getting.

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1 Solution

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MVP Emeritus


   Have you added the mime type to your web server?

In IIS 7 just go to MIME Types for the servers features in IIS and right click, and choose add, for the file name extension type ".swz" and for the MIME Type add application/x-swz

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15 Replies
MVP Emeritus


   This can be tough one to diagnose. Basically there is a file (swf, xml, swz or something) that is getting blocked by the users browser. It will take looking at the http traffic using IE F12 tools or some utility like fiddler or Charles to see what is being blocked. I just tested your site and it works fine for me here in Alabama.

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MVP Emeritus


   A post was just made about seeing a 2032 error on the screen like your users and it is possibly attributed to Flash Player 15 (I have not confirmed this yet).

Flash Player 15 and Error 2032 for Flex Viewer

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New Contributor III

We began experiencing a similar issue today.  Our flex viewers work inside the network, but on some machines outside the network, they are getting Error 2032.  We did try testing it on a machine outside our network, running an earlier version of Flash Player and still got the error.  Using fiddler, it seemed to be failing at the textLayout_2.0.232.swz. I don't have the actual text on hand, but it had something to do with the SecureClientPipeDirect failing.

Lindsey, for what it's worth, I get the error for your viewer when I open it in IE, but am able to access the application in Chrome and Firefox.

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MVP Emeritus


   I had problem before with machines restricting access to .swz file from Adobes sites and I now have all the .swz files available on my sites main folder (i.e. the folder that has the index.html). This circumvented the issue with the machine not allowing the swz files to be downloaded from Adobe.

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New Contributor III


Do you mean in the main folder for the individual application or in the main folder for all applications.  In other words, in wwwroot/ParcelViewer or just wwwroot?

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MVP Emeritus


i.e. the folder that has the index.html
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New Contributor III

That is where that particular .swz already resides.  It is actually part of the flexviewer-3.6 download from ESRI.

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MVP Emeritus


   Have you added the mime type to your web server?

In IIS 7 just go to MIME Types for the servers features in IIS and right click, and choose add, for the file name extension type ".swz" and for the MIME Type add application/x-swz

Occasional Contributor III

I tried Robert's fix adding the MIME Type and it fixed the issue with my user.

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