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Network Analysis problem adding locations

10-23-2014 12:36 AM
New Contributor


I am new to using Network analysis so maybe there is something obvious that I am doing wrong. I have a set of 700+ sample locations as a point shapefile, a road polyline file, and a point shapefile of where highways intersect with the non paved roads. I want to figure out the distance from the sample locations to the highway point along the road network (shortest distance). I used the Network Analysis wizard to create a network database from the polylines file. I then created an OD Cost Matrix layer. I then added the sample plots as origins and the highway points as destinations. When I load the origin locations I am ask for a "length_cut_off" field or default value. I have no idea what this is referring to so I have tried several best guesses at constants. however, when I try to solve the layer I get an error message that the length cut off value is incorrect.

What is the cut off length value referring to or what is it I am doing wrong. There should be no length value involved in a point location, no? I am not prompted for the same value when I add the destinations.


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New Contributor

Hi Meghan,

You can set the cut off to None so all of your points will be considered for analysis. As the name suggests, it's a limit regarding the extent of how far will the OD search for destinations. Any points outside what you set won't be considered, something like that. You can change it from the OD Cost Matrix Properties in the Network Analyst window.


Hope this helps,


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