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09-27-2016 06:14 PM


A recent blog /blogs/josephkerski/2016/09/27/new-alaska-elevation-data-now-available by jkerski-esristaff talks about some new exciting data that is being put together for the Arctic and Alaska (YEA!). But for analysis in Alaska, it may not be the data set you want to use.  Nicole Kinsman presented some preliminary information at a recent Alaska Geospatial Council (AGC) Technical advisory group (TAG) meetings.  It's a good summary of some of the things that you may want to know before using this new DEM Data.  My first take home note was that this is "Not 'Bare Earth", so just keep that in mind.

This was, in her own words, "a quick overview of initial ArcticDEM exploration" in response to questions she had received and not a complete evaluation.  There are many up sides to having this data available, in my opinion, but this is a good quick evaluation on when it may or may-not be appropriate for your work.  You should follow up by reading and reviewing the many links included in the blog.

Keep in mind, this is not the same dataset that is/will-be coming from the AGC and available thru services from GINA.

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Last update:
‎09-27-2016 06:14 PM
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