LocalLayer widget install and usage tips
For those wanting to be able to use ArcGIS Server services with your own ArcGIS Server services in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer Edition) | ArcGIS for Developers without having to have all your services in one web map in ArcGIS Online, the LocalLayer custom widget is a good place to start.
Updates to this blog and attached document:
10/11/2017 - Updated and uploaded the help document (pdf)
7/19/2017 - Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS v2.5 Developer Edition Now Available! | ArcGIS Blog
2/18/2017 - added links to my other blog pages
10/1/2015 - updated and attached new PDF
For a more WAB resources, check out Web AppBuilder Developer Edition - Resource List (updated 3/26/2018)
My other WAB related blog posts:
This document was created initially because the first few versions were lacking any detailed help. The READMME.md now contains much of this information, but the attached document expands this info to hopefully make it a little more user friendly, for those of us that are not as hardcore at developing as they are. (NOTE: help docs have been improved since I originally wrote this. Also, very detailed doc/tutorial for this, plus other custom widgets, can be found Using the Web AppBuilder )
These are my tips and observations that I'm collecting as I'm learning to implement the widget. Not a true "help" document, but some info that might help others. I will update and re-post as needed. Comments/corrections are welcome in the comment section.
For the latest download, status, information on possible new features, or to help collaborate, check out the GitHub page: LocalLayer · GitHub