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Georeference IFC File with different coordinate system

11-09-2022 03:25 AM
Occasional Contributor


I'm working with ArcGIS Pro 2.9 and I have a strange behaviour when I import a IFC File.

I have the same project exported in IFC and in first exportation I have used like coordinate system the WGS84 UTM 32 Nord and in the second exportation I have used the RDN2008 Italy zone as my coordinare system.

The project started from the same survey point but in the first file I have observe the point in WGS84 UTM 32 Nord and in the second the identical point has observed in RDN2008 Italy zone.

Reference point in WGS84 UTM 32 Nord

4646281.7997445N m


Reference point in RDN2008 Italy Zone

7040625.3072000 E
4635397.4217000 N m


When I place on the Scene my two file IFC I have a kind of rotation between the two files, but the starting point is identical.



The basemap in my scene has WGS84 UTM 32 Nord coordinate system and I have the stranger behaviour that I have described before.

Someone kwow why I have this kind of rotation?


In attachment of this post it's possibile to find thw two IFC Files that I have used for this post.

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