WebGISDR Failing on export and import with permissions issues

11-02-2019 12:33 PM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable


I'm trying to both export and import a webgisdr and it continues to fail when I've triple checked the admin and service account running portal, server and datastore all have permissions on the backup directories. This is the error I see:

{"error":{"code":500,"details":null,"message":"Cannot write to directory path 'D:\\WebGISDR\\WebGISSite1572722942288\\dataStore\\14fedebe-2029-4ad8-b5d3-6d33c1a18a23'. Please check that the location is valid and that the ArcGIS Data Store account has permissions to the location."}}

Does anyone have any guidance on this? I'm using ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6.1 on a windows 2016 server.


10 Replies
Emerging Contributor

Did you find a solution?  Seems to be the same issue I have.

0 Kudos
Frequent Contributor


Did you check to confirm that the arcgis account (or whatever account your're using for the services) has permission to write to the specified output directory?


0 Kudos
Esri Notable Contributor

If any of the components are on different machines, then the SHARED_LOCATION must be a shared path, not a local path. The BACKUP_LOCATION can be local as long as there's enough space to hold the backup file. The time it takes to zip the backup will also be shorter if it's packaged locally.

Occasional Contributor

Hi Jonathan,

I have the same issue. I tried exactly the same as you explained but no luck.

The error message I have is as below;

"code":500,"details":null,"message":"Failed to export site. Failed to create the folder

However, I noticed that the backup utility creates the backup folder this way "WebGISSite1234567891236" > "datastore", "portal", "server > kocjnf3ojagyagzw" but when WEBGIS DR utility stops all the backup folders are removed automatically.

I'm on ArcGIS Enterprise version 10.8.

Any assistance will be highly appreciated. 



0 Kudos
Esri Notable Contributor

Do you have a distributed setup, for example Portal, Server, and Data Store on separate machines?

What account is used to run the Portal, Server, and Data Store services? What account are you using to run the WebGIS DR tool?

All components need to be able to write to the SHARED_LOCATION path. If the components are on separate machines, it must be a UNC path and the account used to run the components must be able to write to the share. A domain account is best used in that scenario.

Occasional Contributor

Were you able to find the solution? I am having the exact same issue. All my setups are in different virtual machines and all these components including the service account have write permission to the shared location path, but I keep getting the same error. Any suggestion would be highly appreciated. 




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Regular Contributor

Were you able to resolve this issue?

0 Kudos
New Contributor

For me the solution was to allow the "arcgis" account to write to the shares.  That fixed it for the shared location and backup location which was just on another drive on the portal VM, but I'm still working out sending the file to a network file share, the \\\\shareIPorHostname\\share\\some_folder\\  does not want to work.  I had to create an arcgis account on that system, but I probably need to CHOWN that folder or something.  Something for tomorrow.

0 Kudos
Frequent Contributor


Just noting I had a similar experience with "webgisdr -e -f webgisdr.properties" on a single-node test ArcGIS Server I am trying to back up.

I got 

Failed to back up the ArcGIS Server:
Url: https://HOSTPATH/server.
{"code":500,"messages":["Export operation failed. Failed to create the folder 'D:\\temp\\WebGISSite1698973979711\\server\\eth72rdfmyeiyefc'."],"status":"error"}

to a local backup on the same machine (and also SHARED_LOCATION=D:\\temp)  same drive as final backup, as it does not appear to be using the credentials of the user executing webgisdr.  When I opened security on this folder it was fine.

The following ArcGIS Server has been backed up successfully:
Url: https://HOSTPATH/server.

The backup of ArcGIS Server has completed in 00hr:00min:43sec.