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Publishing a locator service

12-13-2019 02:53 PM
MVP Emeritus

ArcGIS Pro 2.4.0, ArcGIS Desktop 10.6.1., ArcGIS Server 10.6.1

I'm running into some problems trying to publish locator services and I wonder if I upgrading to Pro 2.4.2 will take of things. (I'm hesitant to upgrade just because I have my python env just how I like it, and I've been holding out for 2.5).

Some of the issues are security related, but we have the ability to do an end around to get past them.

I'm trying to publish to a stand alone server from ArcGIS Pro.  When I do so, I cannot 'see' all the directories that the server has; a co-worker with 2.4.2 can.  I started with publishing an 'old style' address locator; it publishes to the new folder, and I can use it from the rest service.  I can add it to a Pro session, but when I search for an address it never finds it.  I thought ArcGIS Pro could consume published old style locators; is this not the case? There may still be a security problem our end-around  didn't take care of, but I want to make sure I should be able to do what I'm attempting.

I then tried to publish a new style locator through ArcCatalog.  I can 'see' all the folders there, but when I select the new sty locator and analyze, it tosses an error  code of 00096 Locator is invalid.  Is not possible to publish new style locators with ArcCatalog?

Finally, I just published a new style locator from Pro, albeit to a new folder; I can add the new service to my pro session and it works.

I know that publishing to a stand alone server from Pro was new functionality at 2.4.0: were there any known issues with publishing a geocoding service that have been resolved at 2.4.2?

That should just about do it....
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6 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor


The new locators cannot be used in ArcMap unless they have been published as a service from Pro. This also means you cannot publish them from ArcMap/ArcCatalog, the error you received is expected. Are you using the steps described in this topic for publishing to standalone? Publish a geocode service—ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS Desktop 

There are times when there is a problem with the locator it looks fine in the Locators folder in the Catalog pane, but they are disabled in the Locate pane on the Settings tab. If the service is added to the project and is listed on the Settings tab of the Locate pane, but looks disabled, hover over the locator and you should get additional info.

Do you have permission to the same folders?

0 Kudos
MVP Emeritus

Hi Shana-

I resolved the problem with an upgrade to 2.4.2 and can now publish through Pro to any of the directories I want. I kind of figured that ArcCatalog doesn't recognize new style locators. Due to the fact that we do not have 10.7 Enterprise yet, I'm not going to be using the published new style locators in our production environment.

Thanks and best wishes this holiday season.

That should just about do it....
0 Kudos
MVP Emeritus

Well...  I spoke too soon; I'm back to  my original square one.  Published locators that worked yesterday do not work today.  I've done a complete uninstall and reinstall of Pro, and patched it to 2.4.3....


That should just about do it....
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Esri Regular Contributor


Can you confirm what the published locators look like in the Settings tab of the Locate pane and if hovering over them gives a message or not?

0 Kudos
MVP Emeritus

Yes. But this the goofy part.  I can add them, and while they are grayed out and I hover, i get the error that says something to the effect of 'Can't use this locator'.  But, if I walk away from it for a few minutes it will magically appear, but if I then try to locate an address it just spins it's wheels:

Just an FYI; I've done a complete uninstall of ArcGIS Pro which for me was 2.4.2, and done a an install of 2.4 and upgraded it to 2.4.3 before I even opened a new project.  A colleague with the same install got this when using the published service on his computer:

That should just about do it....
0 Kudos
Esri Regular Contributor

It's possible that the connection to the server is slow and not all of the locators from or on the server connection have finished loading, so when you look in the Locate pane the service looks disabled. Once the service has finished loading into the project, you leave and come back, the locator is available to use and does not show as disabled. I've seen this when there are a lot of services on a server or if the server is slow. We are aware of some of these loading issues and are working to address them in future releases of ArcGIS Pro.