NENA Standard for NG 911 GIS Data Model

08-17-2017 10:41 AM
New Contributor

Has anyone created a file geodatabase or xml schema document that, to the extent possible, implements the full data model defined in NENA NG911 for GIS standard? 

If so, I (and perhaps others) would find it hugely helpful to get access to that in order to save the time it will take to define the feature classes.

Many thanks,


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27 Replies
Occasional Contributor

All - thanks for pointing out some of the issues with the Montana version of the data model. I'll go back and get it fixed up, or maybe just take the Lake County XML Workspace Document and incorporate it. Either way, I don't want something with issues out there causing people problems.


New Contributor

Thank you Peter!  This is a great start as we begin to plant for our MAJOR schema update!!!

Frequent Contributor

Kasey, Peter, all- FYI

Last month, NENA's Data Structures Committee spun-off a GIS-data-model-template workgroup to publish a Python script that creates a new File GDB with the schema specified in NENA-STA-006.1 

After looking at contributions by Michael Fashoway , Lake County, and others, the workgroup chose to build upon a Python script developed in the state of Washington (my apologies for not recalling the GIS folks who deserve credit! they will  be acknowledged by NENA in the published info doc). 

The work group may post the Python script for public comment in a few weeks or months, maybe before the June 2019 NENA conference in Orlando.  Michael and I are members of that workgroup, and someone will ping this thread or the "911GIS" group when the Python script becomes available.

Surprisingly, after ten years of work, the layer names are not explicitly specified by STA-006.1, and some field names are ambiguous, open to interpretation, or inconsistent with naming conventions used in the document.  The issues being resolved by the data model template workgroup are being shared with the GIS data model workgroup, who will include those considerations in "version 2"of STA-006.

Emerging Contributor

Kasey, Peter, all- FYI

An update on NENA's Data Structures  GIS-data-model-template workgroup:

I misunderstood the WG deliverable, the intent is not to publish the Python script, but to publish an empty File GDB with the schema specified in NENA-STA-006.1 

CREDIT for the original Python script belongs to Jason Guthrie at TComm911 in Olympia, WA. 

The FGDB generated by the Python script is maturing, but it looks like another month or so before NENA publishes a final draft for public review & comments.  

Occasional Contributor

Kansas has this:

Kansas Data Access and Support Center - Next Generation 911 (NG911) 

under standards, tools, and policies, we have data model templates for the two state plane (projection) zones.  We are at version 2.1 and have incorporated legacy MSAG as geoMSAG.  We just add "geo" to acronyms like MSAG and that makes it all better.

Frequent Contributor

Kansas is doing great things! However, the NENA standard is WGS84, not state plane.

Best regards

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Occasional Contributor

It makes sense that the NENA standard is WGS84 and WGS84 is used on the back end.  However it does not make sense for data stewards to define and work with geodatabase feature data in WGS84 coordinates.  

Occasional Contributor

No it doesn’t! Which is why I am right now creating an Illinois stateplane version – in several flavors – for distribution to our regional partners!

Frequent Contributor

 GIS Data Templates Available for Public Review

Aug 27, 2019 3:38 PM

NENA's GIS Template Working Group is pleased to announce the availability of its DRAFT GIS data templates for public review and consideration.  The GIS templates are a direct interpretation of the NG9-1-1 GIS Data Model (NENA-STA-006.1-2018). 

The primary purpose of the GIS data templates is as a common data structure for data exchange between agencies or their vendors.  As best stated by NENA-STA-006.1-2018, "It is not expected that every entity will use the GIS data model described within this standard (NENA-STA-006.1-2018) for its day-to-day internal use and maintenance but it is expected that each entity will be capable of exporting their internal GIS data model into a given GIS file format that complies with this standard as frequently as may be necessary." It is the goal of the GIS Data Template Working Group to provide a GIS Template for entities to use in order to fully, and consistently, meet this requirement.

Before the GIS Template Working Group publishes its final deliverables, it is interested in hearing from any agency willing to extract, transform, or load (ETL) their GIS data into one of these templates.  The working group is particularly interested in hearing about any complications, challenges, limitations or other problems associated with the ETL process.

There are 4 files provided as part of this public review period and are combined into the zip file located here.

First, two scripts the GIS Template Working Group used to create the GIS data templates are being provided (i.e. .sql & .py).  While the scripts are not, technically speaking, the official deliverables of the working group, the working group felt it was important to be open about how the GIS template deliverables were created.

Second, two GIS data template structures are being provided.  One data template structure is provided as a Esri File Geodatabase which the user will need to first extract.  The other data template structure is provided as a PostgreSQL database dump file.

The GIS Template Working Group would appreciate your review by Friday the 13th of September.  Should you have any questions, please contact Jason Horning.

MVP Frequent Contributor

Is the NENA NG 911 GIS standard directly consumable for major consumer products such as Esri StreetMap Premium, Here Maps, Apple Maps, Google Maps, Waze Maps, etc.?

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