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z values differ from height measure tool in arcscene

05-04-2012 04:16 PM
Frequent Contributor
I am mapping subsurface wells. I have z values in us feet (xy in state plane/us feet) and when i use the height measurement tool in arcscene the bottom of the well is 4 times as deep as the true bottom z value (true depth is 2000 us feet and arcscene is 8,000 feet). I dont have a vertical datum defined but I tried that and it does not change the results.

my z values are in us feet but are calculated to reference mean sea level below the KB (an above ground point on the drill rig) so i guess this would be a custom datum, but it's not defined. if xy and z are in feet should it matter?
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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
For the Scene document, do all your your layers have the same projection and coordinate system?  It seems since you have it as being much greater that the units are still off.  I would confirm that values are as expected (feet in xy and feet in z).  There is a bug report out there, but it mentions that the meters selection is actually measuring feet, not the inverse.  For specific help, I recommend opening a Support Incident to test with your data.  I do not think the absence of a custom vertical datum is causing the issue.
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Frequent Contributor
I converted the value the tool gave me for feet to meters and got the correct value in feet. I think the conversion calculation is backwards on the tool.

another question.....Can you set arcscene to conisder negative z values as mean sea level instead of ground level?
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