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Using 3D analyst for soil boring data

02-22-2011 09:33 AM
Deactivated User

I am using ArcGIS 10 and have the 3D analyst extension but only have an arcview license.  I created a database that contains soil boring data for a project.  I would like to display this on the map or through a profile but have no idea how to do this. In my database I have a Boring ID, Material type, F_depth is the from depth and T_depth is the to depth, and the XY location. 

How can I achieve showing this in 3D?

Note: the shapefile I create is a point file
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3 Replies
Deactivated User

I would suggest taking the training on the ESRI site, it's a good start.
But put quickly, you must bring in an elevation raster in arcscene, then add your soils dataset and in the base heights tab of the properties box you must select to "Obtain heights for layer from surface:(your elevation raster).

Good Luck!
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Deactivated User
Thank you Rachael for your help!
I have the DEM for the areas I am looking at along with  a point file for the log holes. I guess I am just confused on how to set everything up. 
Do I need to do anything to the DEM?  How should my database be set up?  How to I link in the to and from depths? 

I am search for training now but haven't found anything that guides me on how to do this.
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You may also want to look at the extrusion tab in you borehole feature class properties.  In this tab you can extrude the feature class based on a field.

Here is the help document on extrusion:

There is a link to the help document for extruding by an attribute at the bottom of this help document. 

An extruded point probably isn't the best way to represent a borehole because it will look a little flat in your Scene document.  If you want your boreholes to look more like as 3d hole you might want to use the buffer tool to buffer your points first.  You can then extrude the buffer polygon based on your depth attribute.  This will give you a better 3d hole effect.

Good luck!

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