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Quicktime (.mov) export option NOT available

10-25-2011 03:13 PM
Regular Contributor
Hi-quicktime format (*.mov) is not listed as an option for me when exporting an animation from ArcGlobe. ArcGIS Help says you just need to have Quicktime Player installed (does not mention Quicktime Pro), and I have done that. Some older documentation says that quicktime export from arcglobe was not an option with Vista, and I have Windows 7 (64bit), so maybe that's the issue?

Any suggestions are welcome.

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2 Replies
Honored Contributor
You are right.  It does say you should be able to export to avi or mov. I would like to try this myself since the exported AVI only plays back when I use the defaul globe layers. As soon as I add my high resolution surface and imagery the exported AVI fails.  Was hoping .mov would be worth the try but I too don't see the option:
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Esri Notable Contributor
This is a known issue and is being addressed by NIM063163.
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