Original User: emarsh
I have been following this post since the beginning, with the same problem (and tears). I was enthused by the recent posts by Mark, Raymond, and Margaret. HOWEVER, once again, I have been let down (such a familiar feeling with Arc). I continue the plea for help. Even after adjusting the Max Number of Unique Values to Render, I was back to square one, with precisely problem (and settings) described by Margaret and Steve in their intitial posts. I get good results with a very small extent, making me think I have eliminated the myriad of other possible problems. My DEM is a 32 bit floating point GRID and my Max Number of Unique Values to Render is 10 million (just to be on the safe side).
One minor point that may be helpful. As described in Mark's post, the Max Number of Unique Values to Render can be adjusted two ways: In ArcMap (Customize>ArcMap Options>Raster Tab>Raster Dataset subtab) or in AdvancedArcMapSettings.exe (Raster tab). It took me a while to realize that my changes to this number within ArcMap were not taking effect. The new number I entered remained, even when I closed and re-opened the program.
However, when I opened AdvancedArcMapSettings.exe, the number was unchanged, set to the default (around 65000), and changing it had no effect. I had to open this program with Administrator Access (by right-clicking on the application, "Open as administrator", even though I was already logged in as the administrator), and only then did the change hold. Finally, the number was the same in both ArcMap and AdvancedArcMapSettings, as Mark points out it should be.
Much to my dismay, this did not solve the issue.
As I said, I am back to square one.
I am open to any ideas! Thanks for all the hints and input up to now.