Thanks for this great feedback. I have now fiddled with the method of manual adjustment and it is quite tricky. It seems that there is a delay and then I drag too far and the buildings shoot right through to the other side of the base layer.
However, I was wondering if there was a more specific way to �??snap�?� the bottom portions of the 3D model to the top of an elevation surface. I find your comment about the fact that I may have created the model (multipach) with a different base elevation an interesting point. Perhaps I could go back and create the model with a correct base level. Any recommendation there? The basic steps I have followed are:
1. Matched the 3D model (from SketchUp) to some existing GIS data e.g. parcels
2. Within ArcScene added base (reference) layers City blocks using native projection e.g. NAD 83
3. Within ArcCatalog created a new Multipatch Feature Class making sure that the spatial reference system matches that of your base layers e.g. NAD 83
4. Selectd parcel near the center of the map
5. Select the Insert tool from the construction tools and then browse your Ver. 6 SkethUp Model or Collada file.
6. Using the Move, Scale, and Rotate functions of 3D Editor position your 3D model
7. Changed the projection of the MultiPatch to WGS 84
8. Added MultiPatch to ArcGlobe where I experience the floating issues.