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Model mosaicing problem in ArcGlobe (HELP !)

03-26-2012 05:07 AM
New Contributor
Hi, All, we are building railway models for use in ArcGlobe, and encountered a problem when mosaicing or connecting part models. Our approach is like the following.

Since railway is a linear feature extending long, we decide to build a whole model of railway by automatically connecting segment parts of it. All segments are identical, a piece of model of 3.2meters long. The model is built with SkectUp and imported into ArcGlobe as 3D point symbol. These segments/models are placed at the vertices of a railway line at an interval of 3.2meters. The positions are accurately calculated, so are the rotation angles at each location/vertex. The rotation angle is calculated as the geodetic azimuth from one vertex to the next on the WGS84 ellipsoid. We expect the models after rotation align and connect perfectly, but there is a mismatch of several millimeters to about 1cm, perpendicular to railway line.

We carefully checked the calculation and found no problem. Then, we suspected the globe used in ArcGlobe is spheroid, which causes the mismatch. Does anyone have idea about it, and how to make the part models match at the joint? Thank you !
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