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Missing layers on re-opening ArcGlobe document

04-02-2013 05:48 PM
Frequent Contributor
I think we can all agree that ArcGlobe and ArcScene are less than stellar pieces of software- Most people that seem to work with it a lot will suffer through frequent crashes and odd behaviour.

One I had recently was that on re-opening a ArcGlobe document, draped vector layers would be absent from the view- You could still select them and they were present in the table of contents, but the features themselves weren't displaying. It appears this is caused by corruptions in the cache for that layer....probably when the program crashes.

For anyone that suffers the same issue, this worked for me:

For the affected layer, open the layer properties>Cache tab
Tick the box to delete the cache 'when exiting the application or removing the layer'

If (when) ArcGlobe crashes, the same issue will likely raise its head- Opening the document, saving, closing and then re-opening seems to fix it again.

Hopefully that helps someone out there 🙂
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