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Layer to KML - reverses direction of "route"??

03-01-2015 05:17 PM
Frequent Contributor


I have created many 3D trail line feature classes (with a specific direction) and corresponding elevation profiles in ArcGIS.  I wanted to cross check some elevation gains I calculated in Excel (by exporting the data from the elevation profiles because they seemed too large).

So, I exported to .kml to bring into Google Earth to compare.  Well, the route is in the reverse order in Google Earth - the profile is reversed so therefore I cannot compare the elevation gain.

Has anyone else experienced this reversing of the order when exporting to kml and how to fix it?

Or does anyone suggest a good layer file to .gpx converter so I can try some of the other programs out there that calculate elevation gains?



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6 Replies
Occasional Contributor

Hi Carmen,

Facing similar issue on Server as well as Desktop Version 10.4. Did you ever get a solution to this?



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Frequent Contributor

Hi Biju,

I am sorry but I do not remember what I had to do.  This was for a volunteer project that I was doing outside of work (4 yrs ago)  and once I did what I had to do, I never had to go back to it!  

It seems like I used a third party software to convert/compare the profiles.  In fact the more I think about it, I did use one of those fitness tracker apps, but I do not remember which one.


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Occasional Contributor

Hi Carmen,


I didnt get any solution of this in terms of patch etc for 10.2.2, 10.4. & 10.3 ...Found a patch for 10.5 but could not use it as our client server in on 10.4 and cant update it.

How i resolved is that i created a geoprocessing tool wherein i flipped the line and then used TO KML to convert to kmz. That solved my requirement but its not a proper solution i know.




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Honored Contributor

Could you possible show us your screenshot between ArcGIS and Google Earth what you were trying to do ?

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Occasional Contributor

This is the route line in arcmap/server with arrows showing the line direction

Original Line -in argis

This is the route line kmz  as seen in Google Earth. I used To KML  to export the line to KMZ.i have marked arrows to show the direction the line takes when using Play Tour tool.

KML-Export using ToKML

I use version 10.4 (also this the same issue in 10.2.2)

I converted the KMZ to KML and saw that the vertex coordinates are in reverse direction in the kml. Upon searching in net i didnt get many people facing this issue but i found that a patch for 10.5 version is available which addresses this issue. 

10.5 patch update

Didnt get anything for 10.4.

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Honored Contributor

Have you update patches or 10.5.1 ? 

How about this ArcGIS Code Sharing...ArcGIS Code Sharing 

I google it and came the list 

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