I have two FAA Airspace shapefiles that I'm trying to convert into 3D feature classes in order to send as a 3D shapefile. My process has been this:
1) Extrude low and high altitudes in arcscene based on attribute values. 2) Save as a layer file 3) convert layer to 3D feature class.
After conversion the 3D properties are altered as you can see in the images. The first image being the layer with extruded elevations based on attributes. The second being the converted 3D multipatch feature class after running the 'convert layer to 3D feature class' tool. Does 3D analyst have the capibility preserve two attribute elevations? Any information or advice would be great.
I am not sure what may be causing the strange output. Instead of creating a layer file, try using the layer in ArcScene with the extrusion as the input to the Layer 3D to Feature Class tool. All of the 3D layer properties may not be being saved correctly to the layer file.
No luck. Thanks for the response though. I can't seem to get the feature class to retain the correct low and high z values for the multipatch shapefile.
Did you try the "Feature To 3D By Attribute" tool? Do you get the same results? I wonder, only because of this type of application and the possible heights/areas involved, if a vertical coordinate system has anything to do with this issue.
Just tried it and unfortunately it didn't work. Actually it looks like it didn't do anything at all. It sounds like that tool is designed for displaying changes in line elevations. But I can't seem to find any solid info on extruding polygons correctly that have two elevations in the attributes. Thank you for the suggestion though.
You can create 3D polygon features with this tool. Only use the height field. in the resulting output every feature should be converted to a 3D feature based on height. In your case this is probably only good for QAQC as it will not produce the "side" walls. You could try the extrude between method but it a bit more involved as you will have to create a 2 TIN surfaces for each level then use the Extrude Between to generate the multipatch feature. You need to do this on a polygon by polygon basis: convert one polygon to TIN givin it lower elevation then convert the same polygon to TIN giving it the higher elevation. When you have these to flat TIN planes use the Extrude between and the input polygon to generate the multipatch feature.
I'll definitely consider that route if I can't find a quicker solution. In theory, the "Layer 3D to Feature Class" tool should do exactly what I need but it won't retain the extrusion properties as advertised. Thanks for the input!
I'll definitely consider that route if I can't find a quicker solution. In theory, the "Layer 3D to Feature Class" tool should do exactly what I need but it won't retain the extrusion properties as advertised. Thanks for the input!
True. It should work. My experience with ArcGIS is such that a lot things simply do not work. (I am not alone as is evident by the "hottest" threads in these forums) Often, the time between reporting a bug to ESRI and them actually fixing it is years so I have learned to rely on workarounds. (sometimes this means to use a different software to get the job done) Good luck. And please report back if you find a solution or if the "extrude between" works for you.
Problem solved. One of our GIS guys in a different office was able to convert the 2D shapefiles into 3D shapefiles using the Feature Manipulation Software. I have put a note in to ESRI explaining the issue and that their tools doesn't work as advertised. Just wanted to report back that we found a solution using other means.