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las to multipoint

05-03-2013 12:58 AM
New Contributor
hi. I use arcgis 10.0. I want to convert data in .las file. I use the 3D Analyst Tools > Conversion > From File > LAS to Multipoint process, but it doesnt works. Can You help me about the problem occured?

the error message stated that ERROR 050033:LAS attribute is not permitted in shapefiles. Before this, I try also, and the error state that the TOOLS IS NOT LICENSE. what is that means? because my arcgis was licensed and will expired at 1/6/2013. and at my customize toolbar, I have tick extensions box for 3D analyst, Can you help me? thanks.
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Esri Regular Contributor
It appears from your message that there appears to be an issue with your license if you are receiving the license message. In terms of your other error, usually multipoint files are created in a feature dataset within a geodatabase.  I would recommend making the output a feature dataset within a geodatabase.
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