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LAS Dataset Profile View

02-28-2014 01:06 PM
Deactivated User
I am fairly new at using the LAS dataset toolbar.  I am trying to use the profile view tool.  I draw the area where I want to view the point cloud but when I click to finish drawing the profile view window does not show up.  I have used this feature before and had no issues but for some reason the window won't come up when I am done selecting the area.  I am using 10.1.  Any help would be great.  Thanks, Melissa
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8 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor
Do you have the 3D Analyst and Spatial Analyst extensions turned on?  Please advise.


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Deactivated User
Yes both extensions are turned on.
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Esri Esteemed Contributor
Maybe it's the maximum of points that can be used in the profile. You can notice when this maximum is exceeded when your rectangle (area) is not visible anymore.

Kind regards,

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Deactivated User
I'm experiencing a similar issue, extensions turned on, point threshold not exceeded, but all profile tools are greyed out.


***new*** I can now see the selected profile in the 3D viewer, but still not with the Profile Tool
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Emerging Contributor
I'm experiencing a similar issue, extensions turned on, point threshold not exceeded, but all profile tools are greyed out.


***new*** I can now see the selected profile in the 3D viewer, but still not with the Profile Tool

Maybe you can try to select smaller area or you can remove polygon feature class and try again.
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Occasional Contributor

I am having the same problem.  LAS dataset is at full resolution and the elevation is displayed as a TIN. 

I've tried increasing the point budget and selecting smaller profiles but the profile view remains empty.  I can view the dataset in full 3D.  The area I am trying to view is a simple shoreline - no buildings, trees, etc. so not a complicated dataset with gabillions of points.

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New Contributor

Did you ever figure out what was causing this problem?

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New Contributor

Hello! Hopefully someone in this thread can help me. I can't seem to get rid of the profile view box. Any ideas? Thank you in advance! ~Dave



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