We have a number of TINs covering our county and I would like to do a hyperlink script for the index layer to add the appropriate TIN to the Table of Contents when a feature is clicked with the hyperlink tool.
However, I'm having no luck finding the correct Python code to make this happen: Testing with variations of "add a [****]" code I get arcpy.mapping.Layer erroring with "invalid data source", arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management says "Dataset does not exist or is not supported", etc.
Sample code where it errors on the last line:
import arcpy mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT") df = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd, "Layers")[0] tinpath = r"\\here\thar\be\TINs" arcpy.env.workspace = tinpath tin = arcpy.ListDatasets("tin*", "Tin")[0] arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(tin, "tin1")
list datasets will just do that ListDatasets—Help | ArcGIS Desktop
and the arcpy.mapping module's functions are
Alphabetical list of arcpy.mapping functions—Help | ArcGIS Desktop
The closest seems to be reference to 'edges' in ListFeatureClasses—Help | ArcGIS Desktop
which seems to provide a disconnect between what you want to do and what you can... unless you have layer files (ie ... *.lyr )
I will move this to https://community.esri.com/community/gis/3d?sr=search&searchId=bc9bd0fe-7345-4abf-bde3-e35a74632ea1&... to see if anyone over there has a process to do what you want