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Created and released a Japanese version manual of the CityGML to CityJSON converter at Tokyo Metropolitan Government

03-13-2022 07:12 PM
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 [Tokyo Digital Twin Project

Created and released a Japanese version manual of the CityGML to CityJSON converter at Tokyo Metropolitan Government


CityGML is widely used internationally as the data format for 3D city models, but there is also CityJSON, which is JSON-based, easy for developers to use, and smaller file size of about only 1/6 of CityGML.

As one of the activities of the "Tokyo Digital Twin Project," the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has created a Japanese version manual of the English version converter (citygml-tools) from CityGML to CityJSON and released it on GitHub "tokyo-digitaltwin" to promote the utilization of 3D city models and to make CityJSON widely used in the Japanese developer community.


In addition to how to use the converter, the Japanese version manual also organizes know-how on how to convert Japanese data and how to deal with common errors that occur during conversion.

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