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Contour line to DEM

09-15-2011 08:05 AM
by Anonymous User
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Original User: luke.kaim


I have an elevation dataset that is contour lines (lines). I have already made a TIN using this data, but for the life of me I can not figure out what arc toolbox command to use to create a DEM from the TIN. What arc toolbox command do I use to do this? I know I can go from a DEM to a TIN. I now want to go the other way. I have a student license of arcgis so I have all the extensions. Ideally I want to go from contour lines directly to a DEM. Is this possible?

Thank you,
Luke Kaim

Thank you
Luke Kaim (SIE)
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12 Replies
by Anonymous User
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Original User: voldune

You may want to look into Topo to Raster (3D Analyst Tools > Raster Interpolation), or if you want to convert your TIN to a raster, use TIN to Raster (3D Analyst Tools > Conversion > From TIN).

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Esri Notable Contributor
You can use the Topo to Raster tool (3D Analyst > Raster Interpolation or Spatial Analyst > Interpolation) to convert the contour lines to a DEM .  There is also the TIN to Raster tool (3D Analyst > Conversion > From TIN) you could use as well.
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Esri Regular Contributor

TopoToRaster will convert the contours into a DEM.

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by Anonymous User
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Original User: JJsiano

I am also trying to create a flood map using a contour line with an interval of 1m. I have created a TIN and DEM from both Topo to raster and from create TIN, but the resulting map seems not correct. With the area that I am working with, there is a lagoon enclosed by a land (indicated with contours of some height). The resulting DEM shows that there are also elevations in the lagoon, which was not provided in the contours.

How to proceed from here?

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Emerging Contributor
I have a related question, about using the DEM created by Topo to Raster in ArcScene (10.2, I think?). When I try to set the base heights so that the DEM displays as a 3D surface, I don't have the option to "Use elevation values in the layer's feature." Any suggestions on how to fix this, or what I may have done wrong?

I should mention that I have only recently started getting back into GIS after several years away, and it's entirely possible that I have forgotten a crucial step.

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by Anonymous User
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Original User: stevelynch

With regards
With the area that I am working with, there is a lagoon enclosed by a land (indicated with contours of some height).

Did you specify this lagoon as a LAKE?

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Emerging Contributor
No I did not specify the lagoon as a lake. Instead I use the boundary to mask out the water from the land or to separate the land from water.

I have a separate data called the coastline but it was made up of polylines. I had to create a polygon from these polylines first so that I can make it a boundary of the DEM.

As with the Lake, is it going to be the same result as using the coastline as a boundary?what would you suggest as the best way to do it in terms of accuracy???,

thanks anyway

With regards
With the area that I am working with, there is a lagoon enclosed by a land (indicated with contours of some height).

Did you specify this lagoon as a LAKE?

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by Anonymous User
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Original User: stevelynch

Rather use it as a lake and are you using ArcGIS 10.1 or later because TopoToRaster was updated in 10.1 (
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Emerging Contributor
Ok, now I have a problem. I tried to regenerate a DEM with a polygon made up of polylines (constraining the land), and I use Topo to Raster in ArcGIS 10.1. When the process finishes, the message pops up showing that the Topo raster has been completed successfully. However, there was no DEM produced. It was suppose to come out as a new layer, but this time, it doesnt. I kept trying many times and no results generated.

any tips?

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