I am getting 99999 error when running the 'Add Surface Information' tool with a 3D polygon. I have tried adding Z_MIN, Z_MAX, Z_MEAN, separately and in combination but it will not work. I get the field added and all Null values. I know this was supposed to be fixed in 10.2 but is it fixed? I am using 10.3.1 and I also tried in ArcGIS Pro 1.1.0 (same error).
do you have a link saying it was supposed to be fixed in 10.2?
NIM082507 on page 5
I have looked for subtle wording suggestions in the help file that might give a suggestion that it was a "by design" fix or whether the problem still exists. Add Surface Information—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop
I would suggest that you send in a bug info request to get clarification on what was...if anything... fixed.
Will do. Thanks for your help.
Gary H. Bowles
GIS Database Administrator II | Seneca Resources
Office : 412-548-2544 | Cell Phone: 412-334-5273
FYI https://community.esri.com/search.jspa?q=add%20surface%20information seems to be an issue with no commentary from those in the know
Having the same issue with Add Surface Information in 10.3.1. Using polygon feature and DEM. Three "Z" attribute fields are created, but populated with 0's.
This problem is still occurring in Pro 2.0 and ArcMap 10.4.1. Use Slope (spatial analyst) and Zonal Statistics as Table (spatial analyst) instead. It's a little more work, but these tools don't seem to fail.
I know it's an old tread, it just happened to me.
After trial an error, I created a new feature class with the same coordinates system than the surface with no Z values. Append my old feature class to the new one.
Ran the "Add surface info" tool and it worked.
I just had to do a spatial join with the old feature class.
Hope this works for you!
Try to use a Tin surface instead a raster surface. You can easily convert your raster surface to a Tin surface with the tool box.
Hope this works for you !!!