I suppose there's a really easy answer to this, I just can't find it! I have a 3D line FC with Z values, for which I need to derive the midpoint using 3D length. This is in very, very mountainous terrain, and the 3d length is substantially different from the 2 length. I tried adding a X and Y midpoint field, to later convert to a point FC, but that is only using 2d values. The split tool in the Arc Scene Editor Toolbar also (surprisingly) splits on 2D length, not 3D, as verified by determining 3D and 2D segement lengths after the split (2D was the same for each line half, 3D substantially different for each line half). Wishfully hoping there's a tool or script that does this, but a method of calculating 3D mid x and y will get me what I need. THanks!