Profile Graph x axis error in Pro

02-14-2018 01:22 PM
Occasional Contributor

I have a simple line feature class with z values.  There are 20 lines that are each 56 meters in length.   The z values were generated using the Interpolate Shape tool within 3d analyst toolbox. 

Using ArcGIS Pro 2.1.1, I am creating  Profile Graphs of each of the 20 lines.  In these graphs, the x axis for every line extends to over 80 meters.  At first I thought the horizontal distance might be inclusive of the terrain, but regardless of the terrain (z value) complexity, the horizontal distance does not vary. 

If I create a profile graph in ArcGIS Desktop 10.6 with the exact same data set, the x axis distance for all profile graphs is consistently set to what I would expect - 56 meters - which ignores variability of the terrain, but at least doesn't consistently add 20+ meters.

Can anyone help?  What am I missing?


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3 Replies
MVP Emeritus

And you have gone through the 'Properties' option for the axes to see if you can set more than the unit? I don't have one to test, but I would assume that you should be able to set the distance start/stop for the x axis as well

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Occasional Contributor

Thank you - on the chart properties I only see the ability to change the display units of the axes. 

Data are in meters, coordinate system WGS_1984 UTM Zone 17N. 

The 3d lines were interpolated from a Digital Elevation Model also in WGS_1984 UTM Zone 17N

Update - problem solved.....exported the data out of the gdb to a shapefile.  Using ArcMap 3D analyst profile graphs

I found that for each line, there was an extra segment that had somehow snapped back on itself.  Pretty sure the Profile Graph in Pro showed me this overlapping arc as a continuation of the line - not sure why....  Thank you for responding to my original post.

MVP Emeritus

strange... looks like it snaps back on the midpoint.  and if you look at the graphs closely, there is a straight line segment within the profile.

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