@MizukiKayano2 One of the uses of LSA is to detect blunders. Having the wrong geometry, even when flipped, is wrong, and ignoring it can cause downstream effects in other areas. So it would be best to fix those bad geometries. What's the best way to correct the geometry by flipping them? Use the geoprocessing tool Flip Line Use an Attribute Rule (calculation) on the SHP field.
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Do you use the attribute rule 'DIRECTION MUST MATCH WITHIN' that is shipped with the parcel fabric before running LSA? What would be the tolerance to consider a line as 'flipped'? (+-180 +???)
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2 weeks ago
If you export to a feature dataset in a file geodatabase you are constrained to the spatial reference of the feature dataset. But if you export to the root level of the file geodatabase you can use any spatial reference.
You can always keeping tidy by creating a feature dataset that matches the spatial reference of the source data and then export to it.
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2 weeks ago
It's great to hear you solved the issue. I would recommend not to use SHAPE files. They will densify your true curves, truncate long field names, have no concept of domains and the list goes on... Instead always export to a file geodatabase.
If you have corrupted your true curves you can either repeat the process using a file geodatabase or use the geoprocessing tool Simplify by Straight Lines and Circular Arc (AKA 'SLACA'). Just make sure to supply all polygons and lines as input in the same run to avoid creating a topological mess.
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3 weeks ago
The parcel fabric methods have great logging that helps identify the problem when figuring out poor performance. This 4-minute video shows how to find those logs on ArcGIS Server.
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3 weeks ago
Data Reviewer has a community place - It includes videos and useful resources and I am sure they can answer your question. While some Data Reviewer checks leverage attribute rules, most Data Reviewer checks do not.
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3 weeks ago
The first release of the Highlight Gaps and Overlaps contained some bugs that we fixed in later releases. This included allowing the tool to work on non-parcel features. Since then we have also enhanced the tool to work on multiple parcel layers, check between different parcel layers and added a geoprocessing tool for automation. The parcel fabric is designed to manage 'parcels' in the broader cadastral sense. Those are often referred to as the 3 'R's = Rights, Restrictions, and Responsibilities. They are used to manage things like ownership, leases, encumbrances (easements), zoning ... as well as administrative parcels. If your data falls into one of those categories you'll be happy to learn that migrating your data to the parcel fabric is an easy process and that any editing tool you already use can be used against the parcel fabric + (as you have found the hard way) many more useful tools can capabilities.
Apologies for not locking that tool in our first release. We did not expect non-parcels users to find and utilize it.
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4 weeks ago
In this post, we demonstrate how to use a geoprocessing model to convert CAD data to parcels.
Creating a parcel seed is simple:
It has to be a polygon
It has to have the field IsSeed = 1
It has to be in the parcel fabric
It has to be surrounded by boundary lines
Only one seed is allowed per loop.
The size and the location of the seed is not important
If those are condo units make sure to use the FloorOrder field to separate seeds and lines per floor.
If you comply with the conditions above you should be able to build or use reconstruct from seeds.
Another approach to transfer attributes is by using an attribute rule.
Here is an example:
// Attribute Rule Calculation based on Intersect with another featuer class
var FC2Intersect = FeatureSetByName($datastore, 'FeatureClassName', ["Field1"], false);
var IntersectedFeature = First(Intersects(FC2Intersect, Geometry($feature)))
if (!IsEmpty(IntersectedFeature)){
return IntersectedFeature.Field1;
You can also update multiple fields with one rule. This video shows how to do that.
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4 weeks ago
The Highlight Gaps and Overlaps tool help documentation clearly states that the tool is designed to find gaps and overlaps between parcels.
Did you consider using the Data Reviewer Extension (list of data reviewer checks) to detect gaps and overlaps?
@Michele - what is your use case? What do your polygons represent?
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a month ago
Thousands of parcel mappers from all around the globe participate in the Parcel Fabric Meetup. The meetup is free to join and includes presentations from organizations on a variety of topics. Next year, we anticipate a presentation from SP Global (Premier Data Services) and the Bureau of Land Management on PLSS (Public Land Survey System). All the meetups are recorded and can be found on the Parcel Fabric Community (video board).
Parcel mapping attracts professionals from a variety of backgrounds as parcels are used for a variety of uses (ownership, leases, taxation, easements, planning...). Are you looking to develop in a specific area? Do you like specific areas like spatial analysis? Least Squares Adjustment? editing? automation? field data collection...
I think all federal agencies have a variety of environmental-related programs. To name a few: forest management, invasive species, off-road vehicles, national parks, water management, wild horses... so you might 'in-house' opportunities.
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a month ago
Do you run into the issue of entering lot lines (connecting the dots) and wanting the lines to be true to their COGO measurements and in the same time snap to the points.
This is an experiment of using an attribute rule to snap to the nearest vertex (within tolerance).
The other ways of achieving the same result without the attribute rule are:
Using the Traverse tool to set the start and end points, then enter a one line traverse.
Digitizing the line between the 2 points and then using the attribute pane to enter the direction and distance.
Using the Direction and Distance constrain as shown in the video and then use the Extend/Trim tool.
Please leave a comment with your thoughts.
Here is the Arcade expression and the screenshot of the rule:
//name: Auto Snap to Line Ends
//desc: Modify the newly created line feature to snap to the nearest vertex of the nearest line
//The attribute rule searchs for the first line and finds the nearest vertex in that line
var tolerance = 0.1; //Set your desired tolerance
var toleranceUnit = 'meter'; //Set to 'feet' or 'meter' or other
var ParcelLinesFS = FeatureSetbyName($datastore,'Parcel_Lines',['*'], true); //Set 'Points' to the fully qualified table name
var LineEndVertexGeometry = Geometry($feature).Paths[0][1]; //geometry of end vertex
var EndX = LineEndVertexGeometry.x //the feature end vertex X
var EndY = LineEndVertexGeometry.y //the feature end vertex Y
var BufferedEndPoint = Buffer(LineEndVertexGeometry, tolerance, toleranceUnit); // buffer the $feature end vertex using the set tolerance to find lines
var nearestLine = First(Intersects(ParcelLinesFS, BufferedEndPoint)); //find the nearest line that intersects with the buffered line
var vertex = NearestVertex(nearestLine, LineEndVertexGeometry); // Get the nearest vertex of the nearest line. That's the target location.
if ((Count(Geometry($feature).paths[0]) == 2) && (vertex != null)){ //if the line is a 2 point line (not a curve or polyline) AND the nearest vertex is not empty
var x1 = TEXT(Geometry($feature).Paths[0][0].x); //start X coordinate of $feature
var y1 = TEXT(Geometry($feature).Paths[0][0].y); //start Y coordinate of $feature
var x2 = vertex.coordinate.x; //target X coordinate
var y2 = vertex.coordinate.y; //target Y coordinate
if ((x1 == X2) && (y1 == y2)) return; // safe guard for small lines not to try to snap on their own start point (which is where another line might end)
var dist = sqrt(Pow((x2-EndX),2) + Pow((y2-EndY),2)); // the distance between the end vertext of $feature and the nearest vertext
if (dist > tolerance) return; //must be smaller than set tolernace
//if we got here all that is left is update the geoemtry of $feature :-)
var SR = Geometry($feature).spatialReference; //spatial reference of the line
var polylineJSON = { //create a JSON representation of the updated line
return Polyline(polylineJSON); //return the Polyline to update the SHP field
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02:09 AM
I can reproduce what you are seeing. The exit tangent direction is off by 3 seconds. You can often use ArcLength, Chord Length or a delta angle. Assuming they are all computed properly and free of any blunder, each of those curve parameters contains some type of rounding error. The combination of a radius with chord length might amplify rounding errors. If you have the delta angle exposed in the curve table, you can try to use it and see if you get a better result. Otherwise, you will have to modify the computed exit tangent to match the recorded value.
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01:39 AM
Very interesting idea and use of group templates for parcels!
It will have to be specific to Lines in a group template that are both COGO Enabled.
Q: What would happen to attributes that are your lot lines and are also on the ROW lines? Should these be copied if the fields match the name and type?
Any fields that do not match will not get copied over.
Q. Any attribute rules that conflict with copying the COGO values will take precedence - is that OK?
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02:04 AM
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