OK, I have already contacted the norwegian esri-distributor. Hope they can help. I can of course create a new service, but then I need to update 6 different webmaps that use this service. And I hoped to avoid that. I update this service on a weekly basis, so I need to get it work.
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11:03 AM
Thanks for the reply Panagiotis. After some tries and some help from ESRI support in Norway (Geodata AS) I succeded. What I had to do? Add global ID to the parent dataset. Add global ID to the stand-alone table I was going to make the relate to. Add a GUID-field in the stand-alone table. Create a relationship-class. Here I choose to make a simple peer-to-peer class. Primary key is GlobalID, forein-key is the GUID-field in the standalone table. I made a 1-M connection. I have a sql-server express database, so no versioning is available. Thus I had to enable archiving in both datasets. When publishing, the relate-table has to be part of the MXD. As long as all the previous conditions are med, this wont generate any errors. Publish the service with all options enabled (create, update, delete etc). When adding the service to the webmap, the whole service must be added. This includes the relate-table. The web app builder and collector will now recognize the relate table. To controll what to edit in collector, do that in the pop-up-dialog. If you only want to make it possible to edit the relate table (i.e. accurate dataset where you only want to add status to the parent dataset). Good luck! Its fairly easy if you know what to do.... Sveinung Bertnes Råheim Bodø, Norway
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01:23 PM
I try to setup a feature service for offline use with collector for arcgis. I want to make an inspection table that I can edit in the field. The table and the feature service has to attributes that I want to use for the relationship. These two attributes are maintained outside this database. I use ArcGIS server 10.4 and Sql-server express 2012. From this blogpost: Related Tables – Exploring New Ways to use Collector for ArcGIS | ArcGIS Blog and this help page: Prepare data for offline use—Documentation | ArcGIS for Server it seems that you have to use globalID in the relationship to get it work off line. But if I have a feature class with GlobalID and a table with a globalID and make a relationship between those to GlobalID, I will not get any matching records! Thats logical and I have tested it in ArcMap. Iam able to make new rows in the related table, but there is no matches afterwards. So my question is: How do I establish this join/relation? For me, it seems logical to use GlobalID in the featureclass to something else in the table. But what? I tried to make a ordinary text field. That did not work. I found this topic tonight: ArcGIS collector and related table - Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange That suggest to use a GUID-field in the table. Is that the solution?
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02:06 PM
Thank you. I didnt understand how to adress the formatting. I could do it separately for one attribute, but not when put inside an expression. But this solved it, now it works! Thanks for the full syntax Mattias! Sveinung
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07:03 AM
I still run into this problem. I want create a valid URL. The URL crashes because the flexviewer returns the number with a thousand separator. Different URL this time: <a href="{WaterLocationID}">Faktaark Vannmiljøbasen</a> The problem is that "WaterLocationID" is a number. It is beiing returned with a thousand separator. And that causes the URL to crash: This URL is valid: This URL is invalid:,009 So is it a way to place the format rule in the expression in the xml-file that config the popup, or can it be done in the general config for flex viewer?
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05:20 AM
Have you tried the Monterra? We also look at the monterra as an alternative to our older handhelds from trimble and nautiz (they run arc pad). I think the ability to use it as a normal garmin gps and then have the collector for arcgis running would be grate. I would be glad to hear of all experiences, both good and bad! Sveinung Bertnes Råheim Bodø Norway
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03:46 AM
Thanks for your suggestion. I have mostly been using the application builder, but I have also tried to direct edit the pop-up xml-file in the "pop-up"-folder. I will give it another try. Ideally, I want to set default for the application that numbers should be read without thousand separator-format. Now it seems like the flex viewer do this default. Sveinung
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01:40 AM
I have a problem with a customizied pop-up-widget in flex-viewer version 3.6. If I use the "Key value"-interface for the pop-up, there is no problem to format a number field. The syntax in the pop-up-xml-file ends up like this: <field name="LokalitetID" alias="LokalitetID"/> <format usethousandsseparator="false"/> But I want to use a customized pop-up, where I create i URL based on a fixed syntax combined with an attribute from the dataset. I have done this using the "customized" interface in the configure pop-up-dialog. The syntax is like this: <a href="{LokalitetID}&searchtype=0&county=&municipality=&culture_environment=0&man_em_dating=0&category=&em_art1=&em_category=&em_date=&conservation=&em_old_function=&ext=1&submit=S%C3%B8k">Faktaark Kulturminnesøk</a> The attribute is {LokalitetID}. The syntax works, the only problem is that the link gets a thousand-separator that corrupts the URL. Example of incorrect URL: ",686&searchtype=0&county=&municipality=&culture_environment=0&man_em_dating=0&category=&em_art1=&em_category=&em_date=&conservation=&em_old_function=&ext=1&submit=S%C3%B8k" I have have highlighted the problem, the "LokalitetID"-attribute is shown with a thousand separator, then the URL fails. If I remove the thousand separator, the URL works perfect! I have tried to add some formatting in to the URL, but I cant get it to work. Any suggestions?`Is this possible? Regards Sveinung Bertnes Råheim GIS-consultant County governor of Nordland Norway
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02:07 AM
First question I have been successful with publishing a GPservice "Extract data" and implement this in the web application builder in Flex. This might be a GP-question, but I start out here: Is it possible to modify the standard model that ships with arcgisdesktop 10.2.2. to get attachments in the data extract prosess? Now, only the features are cliped, the attachments are not coming with. If anyone has interest, they can see how it works here: (generally in norwegian): Nordlandsatlas - Vern Second question: Is it possible to in addition of getting an shapefil og fGDB, get the attributetable exported to excel? I want this to make it easier for non-GIS-collegues to edit data with collector for arcgis, then use a flexviewer based client to download data and they can work with (point data of course). Regards! Sveinung Bertnes Råheim GIS-advisor Countygovernor of Nordland
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04:59 AM
This might be a silly question, but I am quiet anxious about upgrading the viewer if it corrupts my existing ones made i flexviewer 3.5. I have a simple arcgis server / flexviewer application builder installation on one machine. I have added a few extensions - the excellent swipe-viewer, the bookmark-addin and measure add-in. I have also configured my own search. Do I have to recreate my viewers if I upgrade, or is it just to upgrade the application builder and then, voila, everything will work? Concerning the swipe-addin - there are supposed to be no code changes between version 3.5 and 3.6. Regards Sveinung Bertnes Råheim GIS-advisor County-governor of Nordland Norway
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06:46 AM
I have a problem with the thousand separator. I have an integer-field (ID-field) in this rest-service ( which I want to include in a rather complex url to be able to open an external database with information about features in the service: I have created a custom pop-up that looks like this:{LokalitetID}&searchtype=1&county=&municipality=&culture_environment=0&man_em_dating=0&category=&em_art1=&em_category=&em_date=&conservation=&em_old_function=&submit=S%C3%B8k The important field heire is {LokalitetID}. This is returned in the flex-viewer pop-up (standard pop up, version3.5) with the thousand separator ",". That means, instead of "113224" it returns "113,224". This makes the URL invalid. By chance or maybe pure luck, I found a workaround. In the xml-file for the spesific pop-up, I had to add theese two lines: <format precision="-1" usethousandsseparator="false" useutc="false" dateformat="shortDateShortTime"/> </field> The whole xml-file looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" ?> <configuration> <title>{Navn}_1</title> <description><![CDATA[<a href="{LokalitetID}&searchtype=1&county=&municipality=&culture_environment=0&man_em_dating=0&category=&em_art1=&em_category=&em_date=&conservation=&em_old_function=&submit=S%C3%B8k">Faktaark - kulturminnesøk</a>]]></description> <fields> <field name="LokalitetID" alias="LokalitetID"> <format precision="-1" usethousandsseparator="false" useutc="false" dateformat="shortDateShortTime"/> </field> <field name="Navn" alias="Navn"/> <field name="BegrensetOffentlighet" alias="BegrensetOffentlighet"/> <field name="Tag" alias="Tag"/> <field name="GlobalID" alias="GlobalID"/> <field name="KategoriID" alias="KategoriID"/> <field name="VernetypeID" alias="VernetypeID"/> <field name="KommuneNummer" alias="KommuneNummer"/> </fields> <showattachments>false</showattachments> <showrelatedrecords>false</showrelatedrecords> </configuration> I dont know why the flexviewer add "use utc" and "dateformat", but it seems like you have to specify this value: usethousandsseparator="false" It looks like "true" is the default value, a bit confusing that in the builder, you have an option to check it on. Anyway, this looks like a solution for me.
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01:39 AM
The problem is solved I think. In ArcGIS server manager, you open the specific service, choose "parameters" and increase the value in the "maximum number of coded domains". Default is 25000, I increased it to 35000. Then the service with 135 layers used coded domain descriptions. I was warned, that ESRI has implemented this to make sure you know that you want to publish a "heavy" service. [ATTACH=CONFIG]29641[/ATTACH] I will delete the test client linked further up, sorry for that, but it has no longer any use. Sveinung Bertnes Råheim GIS-advisor County governor of Nordland, Norway
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10:49 PM
Almost all of them have, but some have no data. The only mainlayer that contains data is "Vertikalnivå 2". The sublayers "RpJuridiskLinje" and "RpOmråde" have several coded domains. For RpOmråde, the Fields "KOMM", "PLANTYPE", "PLANSTAT", "VERTNIV", "LOVREFERANSE" and "PLANBEST" has coded domains. I thougth this was a Flexviewer error, but when I check the description links (in the restAPI) for the services, I see that ArcGISserver skips the coded domains for the service with more than 135 layers. See for the field "KOMM": Service that do not work: KOMM ( type: esriFieldTypeInteger , alias: KOMM ) Service that work: KOMM ( type: esriFieldTypeInteger , alias: KOMM , Coded Values: [101: 0101 Halden (�?stfold fylke)] , [104: 0104 Moss (�?stfold fylke)] , [105: 0105 Sarpsborg (�?stfold fylke)] , ...427 more... ) They point to the same dataset and are identical in the mxd (ArcMAP). I think I will forward this error to my software deliverer, but of course, if you have any suggestions, I will be glad.
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05:06 AM
I think I experience a similar problem. My solution are public, so I have put up a small client to illustrate the problem. Here is a description first: I publish land use maps. In Norway, we have three levels for this maps, in the air (bridges etc), on ground/water and below ground (tunnels etc). Each level has identical layers (and lots of layers). I am on ArcGISserver10.2 and on Flex viewer 3.5. I experience, that when I publish one of the planning levels, coded values are displayed in with the identify widged. When I publish two levels within same service, everything is still fine. When I publish three levels, then the identify widget no longer returns coded value descriptions, only the codes, which are not very useful for the user. Small client illustrating the problem: Rest-adress to the the service that works: Rest adress to the service that doesnt work: The service that works has 89 layers, the one that do not deliver coded value decriptions has 134 layers I would be thankful if anybody has a hint on how to solve this (if it is possible).
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04:06 AM
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