First question
I have been successful with publishing a GPservice "Extract data" and implement this in the web application builder in Flex.
This might be a GP-question, but I start out here:
Is it possible to modify the standard model that ships with arcgisdesktop 10.2.2. to get attachments in the data extract prosess? Now, only the features are cliped, the attachments are not coming with.
If anyone has interest, they can see how it works here: (generally in norwegian):
Nordlandsatlas - Vern
Second question:
Is it possible to in addition of getting an shapefil og fGDB, get the attributetable exported to excel? I want this to make it easier for non-GIS-collegues to edit data with collector for arcgis, then use a flexviewer based client to download data and they can work with (point data of course).
Sveinung Bertnes Råheim
Countygovernor of Nordland