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How to customize a map tool so as to be able to add a shapefile then create an object and zoom to it?

04-18-2020 02:33 PM
Frequent Contributor

How to customize a map tool so as to be able to add a shapefile then create an object and zoom to it?


We tried to customize a map tool so as to be able to add a shapefile then create an object and zoom to it to use this tool in the cityworks map and zoom to it, but seems that we missing something, I highly appreciate if someone can have a look on this:

define(["dojo/dom", "dojo/json", "dojo/on", "dojo/parser", "dojo/sniff", "dojo/_base/array", "esri/Color", "dojo/domReady!", "esri/config", "esri/InfoTemplate",
       "esri/request", "esri/geometry/scaleUtils", "esri/layers/FeatureLayer", "esri/renderers/SimpleRenderer", "esri/symbols/PictureMarkerSymbol", "esri/symbols/SimpleFillSymbol", "esri/symbols/SimpleLineSymbol"    
        function (
        esriConfig, InfoTemplate, Map, request, scaleUtils, FeatureLayer,
        SimpleRenderer, PictureMarkerSymbol, SimpleFillSymbol, SimpleLineSymbol,
        dom, JSON, on, parser, sniff, arrayUtils, Color, lang
      ) {


          var portalUrl = "";

 = "/proxy/";

          on(dom.byId("uploadForm"), "change", function (event) {
            var fileName =;

            if (sniff("ie")) { //filename is full path in IE so extract the file name
              var arr = fileName.split("\\");
              fileName = arr[arr.length - 1];
            if (fileName.indexOf(".zip") !== -1) {//is file a zip - if not notify user
            else {
              dom.byId('upload-status').innerHTML = '<p style="color:red">Add shapefile as .zip file</p>';


          function generateFeatureCollection (fileName) {
            var name = fileName.split(".");
            //Chrome and IE add c:\fakepath to the value - we need to remove it
            //See this link for more info:
            name = name[0].replace("c:\\fakepath\\", "");

            dom.byId('upload-status').innerHTML = '<b>Loading </b>' + name;

            //Define the input params for generate see the rest doc for details
            var params = {
              'name': name,
              'targetSR': map.spatialReference,
              'maxRecordCount': 1000,
              'enforceInputFileSizeLimit': true,
              'enforceOutputJsonSizeLimit': true

            //generalize features for display Here we generalize at 1:40,000 which is approx 10 meters
            //This should work well when using web mercator.
            var extent = scaleUtils.getExtentForScale(map, 40000);
            var resolution = extent.getWidth() / map.width;
            params.generalize = true;
            params.maxAllowableOffset = resolution;
            params.reducePrecision = true;
            params.numberOfDigitsAfterDecimal = 0;

            var myContent = {
              'filetype': 'shapefile',
              'publishParameters': JSON.stringify(params),
              'f': 'json',
              'callback.html': 'textarea'

            //use the rest generate operation to generate a feature collection from the zipped shapefile
              url: portalUrl + '/sharing/rest/content/features/generate',
              content: myContent,
              form: dom.byId('uploadForm'),
              handleAs: 'json',
              load: lang.hitch(this, function (response) {
                if (response.error) {
                var layerName = response.featureCollection.layers[0];
                dom.byId('upload-status').innerHTML = '<b>Loaded: </b>' + layerName;
              error: lang.hitch(this, errorHandler)

          function errorHandler (error) {
            dom.byId('upload-status').innerHTML =
            "<p style='color:red'>" + error.message + "</p>";

          function addShapefileToMap (featureCollection) {
            //add the shapefile to the map and zoom to the feature collection extent
            //If you want to persist the feature collection when you reload browser you could store the collection in
            //local storage by serializing the layer using featureLayer.toJson()  see the 'Feature Collection in Local Storage' sample
            //for an example of how to work with local storage.
            var fullExtent;
            var layers = [];

            arrayUtils.forEach(featureCollection.layers, function (layer) {
              var infoTemplate = new InfoTemplate("Details", "${*}");
              var featureLayer = new FeatureLayer(layer, {
                infoTemplate: infoTemplate
              //associate the feature with the popup on click to enable highlight and zoom to
              featureLayer.on('click', function (event) {
              //change default symbol if desired. Comment this out and the layer will draw with the default symbology
              fullExtent = fullExtent ?
                fullExtent.union(featureLayer.fullExtent) : featureLayer.fullExtent;
            map.setExtent(fullExtent.expand(1.25), true);

            dom.byId('upload-status').innerHTML = "";

          function changeRenderer (layer) {
            //change the default symbol for the feature collection for polygons and points
            var symbol = null;
            switch (layer.geometryType) {
              case 'esriGeometryPoint':
                symbol = new PictureMarkerSymbol({
                  'angle': 0,
                  'xoffset': 0,
                  'yoffset': 0,
                  'type': 'esriPMS',
                  'url': '',
                  'contentType': 'image/png',
                  'width': 20,
                  'height': 20
              case 'esriGeometryPolygon':
                symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbol.STYLE_SOLID,
                  new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID,
                    new Color([112, 112, 112]), 1), new Color([136, 136, 136, 0.25]));
            if (symbol) {
              layer.setRenderer(new SimpleRenderer(symbol));
		   function selectChild() {
            proxy.layout.toggleRegion({ region: "trailing", expanded: true });

        this.init = function() {
            var dfd = proxy.utility.deferred();
            return dfd;
        }; = function() {
            if (!initialized) {
                //We will create the UI here before showing it
                initialized = true;
                var uiConfig = initUI();
                displayPanel = proxy.layout.createTrailingPanel(uiConfig);
            } else {
                //The UI is already created so just show it

It should be written the same way as shown in the attached file (the attached file is how to add xy to cityworks map, and it works perfectly)

Highly appreciate your effort.

Thank you in advance

Tags (1)
5 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor
Frequent Contributor

Thank you Egge for your reply, yes I used the code here, but I want to edit it to match the one attached in order to work with our Cityworks map, Do you have any idea what is the best practice to do this? I tried to edit it but ends with an error, and unfortunately I do not have enough experince in javascript.

Thank you in advance

MVP Regular Contributor

Hi Majdoleen Awadallah,

Yeah, the idea would be to start with a working example of the new functionality you want to add to an existing application. That example is provided by Esri.

Now the next step is to integrate this functionality in your existing cityworks application. And this requires - apart from a lot of trial and error - at least some experience with JavaScript and the ArcGIS API for JavaScript 3.x.

You indicate you are missing 'something'. But what exactly ae you missing? Did you already manage to create the dialog to select and add the shapefile? Does the shapefile appear in the wrong location? What error messages do you get?

This would really require someone to go and sit down to accomplish this.

Did you contact Cityworks? Are they able to help?



Frequent Contributor

Thank you Egge for your advice, I am not sure if the dialog that select and add the shapefile is working fine, when I tried to add the js tool thats written above, the toolbar is stopped working, may you please have a look on the above js code? or may you please advice me how to check my code if it is written correctly? software? tool?...

define(["dojo/dom", "dojo/json", "dojo/on", "dojo/parser", "dojo/sniff", "dojo/_base/array", "esri/Color", "dojo/domReady!", "esri/config", "esri/InfoTemplate",
       "esri/request", "esri/geometry/scaleUtils", "esri/layers/FeatureLayer", "esri/renderers/SimpleRenderer", "esri/symbols/PictureMarkerSymbol", "esri/symbols/SimpleFillSymbol", "esri/symbols/SimpleLineSymbol"    
        function (
        esriConfig, InfoTemplate, Map, request, scaleUtils, FeatureLayer,
        SimpleRenderer, PictureMarkerSymbol, SimpleFillSymbol, SimpleLineSymbol,
        dom, JSON, on, parser, sniff, arrayUtils, Color, lang
      ) {


          var portalUrl = "";

 = "/proxy/";

          on(dom.byId("uploadForm"), "change", function (event) {
            var fileName =;

            if (sniff("ie")) { //filename is full path in IE so extract the file name
              var arr = fileName.split("\\");
              fileName = arr[arr.length - 1];
            if (fileName.indexOf(".zip") !== -1) {//is file a zip - if not notify user
            else {
              dom.byId('upload-status').innerHTML = '<p style="color:red">Add shapefile as .zip file</p>';


          function generateFeatureCollection (fileName) {
            var name = fileName.split(".");
            //Chrome and IE add c:\fakepath to the value - we need to remove it
            //See this link for more info:
            name = name[0].replace("c:\\fakepath\\", "");

            dom.byId('upload-status').innerHTML = '<b>Loading </b>' + name;

            //Define the input params for generate see the rest doc for details
            var params = {
              'name': name,
              'targetSR': map.spatialReference,
              'maxRecordCount': 1000,
              'enforceInputFileSizeLimit': true,
              'enforceOutputJsonSizeLimit': true

            //generalize features for display Here we generalize at 1:40,000 which is approx 10 meters
            //This should work well when using web mercator.
            var extent = scaleUtils.getExtentForScale(map, 40000);
            var resolution = extent.getWidth() / map.width;
            params.generalize = true;
            params.maxAllowableOffset = resolution;
            params.reducePrecision = true;
            params.numberOfDigitsAfterDecimal = 0;

            var myContent = {
              'filetype': 'shapefile',
              'publishParameters': JSON.stringify(params),
              'f': 'json',
              'callback.html': 'textarea'

            //use the rest generate operation to generate a feature collection from the zipped shapefile
              url: portalUrl + '/sharing/rest/content/features/generate',
              content: myContent,
              form: dom.byId('uploadForm'),
              handleAs: 'json',
              load: lang.hitch(this, function (response) {
                if (response.error) {
                var layerName = response.featureCollection.layers[0];
                dom.byId('upload-status').innerHTML = '<b>Loaded: </b>' + layerName;
              error: lang.hitch(this, errorHandler)

          function errorHandler (error) {
            dom.byId('upload-status').innerHTML =
            "<p style='color:red'>" + error.message + "</p>";

          function addShapefileToMap (featureCollection) {
            //add the shapefile to the map and zoom to the feature collection extent
            //If you want to persist the feature collection when you reload browser you could store the collection in
            //local storage by serializing the layer using featureLayer.toJson()  see the 'Feature Collection in Local Storage' sample
            //for an example of how to work with local storage.
            var fullExtent;
            var layers = [];

            arrayUtils.forEach(featureCollection.layers, function (layer) {
              var infoTemplate = new InfoTemplate("Details", "${*}");
              var featureLayer = new FeatureLayer(layer, {
                infoTemplate: infoTemplate
              //associate the feature with the popup on click to enable highlight and zoom to
              featureLayer.on('click', function (event) {
              //change default symbol if desired. Comment this out and the layer will draw with the default symbology
              fullExtent = fullExtent ?
                fullExtent.union(featureLayer.fullExtent) : featureLayer.fullExtent;
            map.setExtent(fullExtent.expand(1.25), true);

            dom.byId('upload-status').innerHTML = "";

          function changeRenderer (layer) {
            //change the default symbol for the feature collection for polygons and points
            var symbol = null;
            switch (layer.geometryType) {
              case 'esriGeometryPoint':
                symbol = new PictureMarkerSymbol({
                  'angle': 0,
                  'xoffset': 0,
                  'yoffset': 0,
                  'type': 'esriPMS',
                  'url': '',
                  'contentType': 'image/png',
                  'width': 20,
                  'height': 20
              case 'esriGeometryPolygon':
                symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbol.STYLE_SOLID,
                  new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID,
                    new Color([112, 112, 112]), 1), new Color([136, 136, 136, 0.25]));
            if (symbol) {
              layer.setRenderer(new SimpleRenderer(symbol));
             function selectChild() {
            proxy.layout.toggleRegion({ region: "trailing", expanded: true });

        this.init = function() {
            var dfd = proxy.utility.deferred();
            return dfd;
        }; = function() {
            if (!initialized) {
                //We will create the UI here before showing it
                initialized = true;
                var uiConfig = initUI();
                displayPanel = proxy.layout.createTrailingPanel(uiConfig);
            } else {
                //The UI is already created so just show it
Frequent Contributor

the below steps is provided by cityworks to develop any plugin, 




