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Using python to execute make x y layer event across all files within a given directory

10-11-2019 04:34 AM
Emerging Contributor

I am trying to create xy event layers that display data from csv tables as points, I would like to loop the normal make x y event layer through the directory that my files are stored in. This data has no georeference and that is accounted for within the code. 

I have created a function that lists out the files that in the directory I need. Then through a series of functions I can create a series of output filenames that correspond with the names of the input files that I have put into the function. 

I keep getting an error message: 

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python27\ArcGIS10.6\Lib\site-packages\pythonwin\pywin\framework\", line 326, in RunScript
exec codeObject in __main__.__dict__
File "D:\Documents\", line 47, in <module>
loop_event_layer(csv_list, layer_file)
File "D:\Documents\", line 44, in loop_event_layer
arcpy.MakeXYEventLayer_management(table = i, in_x_field = "X", in_y_field = "Y", out_layer = x, spatial_reference="{B286C06B-0879-11D2-AACA-00C04FA33C20};IsHighPrecision", in_z_field = "PI")
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.6\ArcPy\arcpy\", line 7618, in MakeXYEventLayer
raise e
ExecuteError: Failed to execute. Parameters are not valid.
ERROR 000732: XY Table: Dataset 0 does not exist or is not supported
Failed to execute (MakeXYEventLayer).

The code is below:

import arcpy
import os
#and separates the name at the .csv to give the beginning of the name. The outputs of this new name list have new
#extensions added such as point and raster.
arcpy.env.workspace = "D:/Documents/PhD/GIS/Odhran.gdb/"
path = "C:/Users/MarPAMM/Desktop/Test_with_Ger_for_csv_raster_conversion/"
output = "D:/Documents/PhD/GIS/Odhran.gdb/"
entries = os.listdir(path)
extension = "result.csv"

def list_csv(x):
   csv_list = []
    for i in x:
       if i.endswith(extension):

   return csv_list

csv_list = list_csv(entries)

def split_csv_name(x):
   filename = []
   start = []
      for i in x:
      start, end = i.split(".")
   return filename

 output_file_beginning = split_csv_name(csv_list)
layer_extension = "_layer"
point_extension = "_point"
raster_extension = "_raster"

def join_name(x, extension):
   filename = []
   for i in x:
      filename.append(i + extension)
   return filename
layer_file = join_name(output_file_beginning, layer_extension)

def loop_event_layer(input_file, output_file):
   for i,x in zip(range(len(input_file)),range(len(output_file))):
      arcpy.MakeXYEventLayer_management(table = i, in_x_field = "X", in_y_field = "Y", out_layer = x,       spatial_reference="{B286C06B-0879-11D2-AACA-00C04FA33C20};IsHighPrecision", in_z_field = "PI")
   return x

loop_event_layer(csv_list, layer_file)

0 Kudos
3 Replies
MVP Emeritus


line numbers would help


Throw a print statement in to ensure the path and filenames are correct (ie 'i' or Table)

Emerging Contributor

Thank you for the suggestion.

The print output for list_csv gives the file names for all the files in a numpy array, this section of the code works fine, an example of it can be seen below:

['R59_011_Z41_Copy_result.csv', 'R59_011_Z42_Copy_result.csv', 'R59_011_Z43_Copy_result.csv', 
'R59_011_Z44_Copy_result.csv', 'R59_011_Z46_Copy_result.csv', 'R59_011_Z47_Copy_result.csv', 
'R59_011_Z48_Copy_result.csv', 'R59_011_Z49_Copy_result.csv', 'R59_011_Z50_Copy_result.csv', 
'R59_011_Z52_Copy_result.csv', 'R59_011_Z53_Copy_result.csv', 'R59_011_Z54_Copy_result.csv', 
'R59_011_Z58_Copy_result.csv', 'R59_011_Z59_Copy_result.csv', 'R59_011_Z60_Copy_result.csv', 
'R59_011_Z61_Copy_result.csv', 'R59_011_Z62_Copy_result.csv', 'R59_011_Z63_Copy_result.csv', 
'R59_011_Z64_Copy_result.csv', 'R59_011_Z65_Copy_result.csv', 'R59_011_Z66_Copy_result.csv', 
'R59_011_Z67_Copy_result.csv', 'R59_011_Z68_Copy_result.csv', 'R59_011_Z69_Copy_result.csv', 
'R59_011_Z70_Copy_result.csv', 'R59_011_Z71_Copy_result.csv', 'R59_011_Z72_Copy_result.csv',
'R59_011_Z73_Copy_result.csv', 'R59_011_Z74_Copy_result.csv', 'R59_011_Z75_Copy_result.csv', 
'R59_011_Z76_Copy_result.csv', 'R59_011_Z77_Copy_result.csv', 'R59_011_Z78_Copy_result.csv', 
'R59_011_Z79_Copy_result.csv', 'R59_011_Z80_Copy_result.csv', 'R59_011_Z81_Copy_result.csv', 
'R59_011_Z82_Copy_result.csv', 'R59_011_Z83_Copy_result.csv', 'R59_011_Z84_Copy_result.csv', 

My main issue is using these as a looping input for the arcpy.MakeXYEventLayer_management() function. Looking at the input it might be an idea to just use the full directory rather than the filename and see if it works.

0 Kudos
MVP Emeritus

You will need to set the full path if you haven't set your workspace in the environments of your script

Using environment settings in Python—Geoprocessing and Python | ArcGIS Desktop