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Aggregate Points within a Polygon

04-02-2015 12:17 AM
Emerging Contributor

Good day All Spatial Analysis Lovers

I am currently doing the Spatial Analysis online course hosted by ESRI. In the online course we aggregated points to a polygon (block) to have graduated symbols in all the blocks indicating the sum value of all the traps. I want to do the same in ArcGIS Desktop 10.2.2. Is this possible? Please help me.

Kind Regards


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2 Replies
Esri Contributor


you need to use the tool 'Spatial Join' from the 'Analysis Tools' toolbox (Overlay toolset). If you have generated the new polygons, you can symbolize it with the option graduated symbols using the point count attribute.

I hope this is helpful.



Occasional Contributor

To add to this.... here is an example for aggregating points by counties

1. Open Spatial Join tool

2. Target features should be your polygon layer (in this case - counties)

3. Join features should be your points

4. Click OK

5. The output is a polygon layer with the field named: JOIN_COUNT (this is the number of points falling inside each polygon)

ArcMap Spatial Join

Spatial Join—Help | ArcGIS Desktop 

Hope this helps.

The Aggregate Points tool in ArcGIS Pro does the same thing however it is more intuitive.

Aggregate Points—Standard Feature Analysis tools | ArcGIS Desktop