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Link to Popup

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11-30-2018 10:33 AM
Honored Contributor

I have an info template returning a link.  

Right now with I click on it it opens to a new browser tab (_blank)

Looking for 2 options.  

1. Display this in a DIV

2. Pop this up into a new floating popup 

Any ideas

var infoHighwayCameras = new InfoTemplate();
     infoHighwayCameras.setTitle("Highway Cameras");        
     infoHighwayCameras.setContent("<table>" +
     "<tr><td id='tblTitle'>Highway Cameras</td><td id='tblTitle2'></td></tr>" +
     "<tr><td id='tblTitleLine'></td><td id='tblTitleLine2'></td></tr>" +
     "<tr><td></td><td></td></tr>" +
     "<tr><td id='tblMainline1'>image_url</td><td id='tblSubline2'><i>For Camera Image <a href='${image_url}' target='_blank'><font color='0x84CCDA'>click here</font></a>."+     
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So I am testing this for 2 scenarios :

1. The image simply appears in the template

2. There is an onclick even that calls a function to update the Div or what ever location you are specifying in my app

I use the code below and it stops returning my attribute values for ${route} and ${status} nor does it find the ${image_url} to show the image in the template.  So the image no longer appears in the template

When I click the link for the 2nd scenario nothing happens. 

   1. I don't get either alert boxes but rather an error:  SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list

   2. If I remove the " "  in this (" + graphic.attributes.image_url + ") becomes this (' + graphic.attributes.image_url + ') i get Error: Unexpected end of input

Maybe your example is not designed for anything but a function call?    Trying to get both scenarios working so I can ultimately decide which one to use but also a learning thing here.  My question is can both scenarios work from within this Function?  Or do I build the table and then create the function?

function onclickFunction(test){

var infoHighwayCameras = new InfoTemplate();
    infoHighwayCameras.setTitle("Highway Cameras");
     function getTextContent(graphic) {
     return "<table>" +
     "<tr><td id='tblTitle'>Highway Cameras</td><td id='tblTitle2'></td></tr>" +
     "<tr><td id='tblTitleLine'></td><td id='tblTitleLine2'></td></tr>" +
     "<tr><td></td><td></td></tr>" +
     "<tr><td id='tblMainline1'>route</td><td id='tblSubline2'>${route}</td></tr>" +
     "<tr><td id='tblMainline1'>status</td><td id='tblSubline2'>${status}</td></tr>" +
     "<tr><td id='tblMainline1'>image_url</td><td id='tblSubline2'><img src='${image_url}'/></td>"+
"<tr><td id='tblMainline1'>image_url</td><td id='tblSubline2'><i>TEST1 <a href='#' onclick='onclickFunction(" + graphic.attributes.image_url + ")'>Click Me!</a>. </td></tr>" +

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MVP Emeritus


  When using a function you have to convert all your ${field_names} to 

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Honored Contributor

Yea I am trying like your example but your example does not seem to work either...trying to look this up in help sections

Trying to find examples or documentation on Functions within an InfoTemplate.

function getTextContent(graphic) {
  return "<table>" +
    "<tr><td id='tblTitle'>Highway Cameras</td><td id='tblTitle2'></td></tr>" +
    "<tr><td id='tblTitleLine'></td><td id='tblTitleLine2'></td></tr>" +
    "<tr><td></td><td></td></tr>" +
    "<tr><td id='tblMainline1'>image_url</td><td id='tblSubline2'><i>TEST1 <a href='#' onclick='onclickFunction(" + graphic.attributes.image_url + ")'>Click Me!</a>." +

Im trying for:

  • one with simply attribute value
  • one with image in the src that will update the image every feature click
  • one with a click event to call a function to update a DIV or something with the image value

I thought the click of the link (3rd one below) would bring my to the outside function that I can simply alert from to show I was there.

Trying to get the syntax right...haven't found any documentation specific to this application of it yet.

function onclickFunction(test){

var infoHighwayCameras = new InfoTemplate();
  infoHighwayCameras.setTitle("Highway Cameras"); 
    function getTextContent(graphic) {
     return "<table>" +
       "<tr><td id='tblMainline1'>jurisdiction</td><td id='tblSubline2'> ${graphic.attributes.jurisdicti} </td></tr>" +

       "<tr><td id='tblMainline1'>image_url</td><td id='tblSubline2'><img src= ' + graphic.attributes.image_url + '/></td>"+

       "<tr><td id='tblMainline1'>image_url</td><td id='tblSubline2'><i>TEST1 <a href='#' onclick='onclickFunction(' + graphic.attributes.image_url + ')'>Click Me!</a> </td></tr>" +

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MVP Emeritus


  Sounds like you are looking for this thread then. 

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Honored Contributor

I got the first two now working on the 3rd...created variables to set the values and then used that in the table

var infoHighwayCameras = new InfoTemplate();
     infoHighwayCameras.setTitle("Highway Cameras");          
          function getTextContent(graphic) {
               var Jurisdiction = graphic.attributes['jurisdicti']; 
               var Image = graphic.attributes['image_url'];
               return "<table>" +
                    "<tr><td id='tblMainline1'>jurisdiction</td><td id='tblSubline2'> " + Jurisdiction + "</td></tr>" +                              

                    "<tr><td id='tblMainline1'>image_url</td><td id='tblSubline2'><img src= " + Image + " /></td></tr>" +

                    "<tr><td id='tblMainline1'>image_url</td><td id='tblSubline2'><i>TEST1 <a href='#' onclick='onclickFunction(' + graphic.attributes.image_url + ')'>Click Me!</a> </td></tr>" +
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MVP Emeritus


  So what you had wrong in your previous code was syntax:

var infoHighwayCameras = new InfoTemplate();
  infoHighwayCameras.setTitle("Highway Cameras"); 
    function getTextContent(graphic) {
     return "<table>" +
       "<tr><td id='tblMainline1'>jurisdiction</td><td id='tblSubline2'>" + graphic.attributes.jurisdicti + "</td></tr>" +
       "<tr><td id='tblMainline1'>image_url</td><td id='tblSubline2'><img src= '" + graphic.attributes.image_url + "'/></td>"+
       "<tr><td id='tblMainline1'>image_url</td><td id='tblSubline2'><i>TEST1 <a href='#' onclick='onclickFunction('" + graphic.attributes.image_url + "')'>Click Me!</a> </td></tr>" +
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Honored Contributor

So I can do this and it displays the image....I can forgo pushing to a new div or what ever using a function , but what I cannot get to work is a refresh of the image as these change every few seconds...

It seems to be caching the image and when I click on the same feature it does not refresh because the name is the same.

I tried to add a date time into the URL but thats not working either.

If I can find a way to clear the cache for the image that was already viewed I think that would work....but not sure.

The image in the InfoTemplate does not refresh

var Image = graphic.attributes['image_url'];
var newdate = new Date()
var Image2 = Image + "?" + newdate 

"<tr><td id='tblMainline1'>image_url</td><td id='tblSubline2'><img src= " + Image2 + " /></td></tr>" +

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MVP Emeritus


  Do you have a refreshInterval set on the FeatureLayer?

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Honored Contributor you set that along with the outfields and opacity?  Not sure how this will effect the cached image as the image name does not change for a specific feature, this is why I was trying to put a date stamp at the end...hoping that it would reload the image.  If I click another feature the image changes....but when I go back and click on the first image it still displays the original image.

If I do this in a popup it changes the image each time I click on it.  But I have to keep closing to window it opens in ...I want this a bit more streamlined where it refreshes the image in the InfoTemplate itself...Seems the InfoTemplate is not refreshing the image ...that make sense?

I have been researching how to clear an image from the cache with a specific name in javascript so it forces it to reload a new luck

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Honored Contributor

I put a refresh interval on the layer and its still not refreshing in the InfoTemplate

Still think its linked to the image being cached in the browser?  So puzzled here...if I click a new feature the image changes but goes back to the original image on the first feature I does not get updated in the InfoTemplate...but as I stated if I force to a popup and open a new window the image does refresh.

var HighwayCameras = new FeatureLayer("", {
      mode: FeatureLayer.MODE_ONDEMAND,
      visible: false,
      opacity: .5,
      infoTemplate: infoHighwayCameras
HighwayCameras.refreshInterval = 0.1;

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