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Upgrade Report Design in Pro

04-28-2020 12:00 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Emerging Contributor

The ability to create and design user friendly multi page reports that are both user friendly and render quickly. Something that would look very similar to what can be done in excel with colored headers and formatted text. The reports could be dynamic based on a series of feature classes or tables and could include maps, charts and tables. Currently the reporting solution is very limiting and the work around of creating layouts with dynamic text is tedious and not ideal. A good reporting solution would also allow for reports to be exported in a variety of formats (PDF, Excel etc.). Online reporting and dashboards are great but having dynamic reports available in the desktop environment is essential, as well. Especially when designing custom push button geoprocessing tools that require reporting as the final output.


I agree. This would be very useful for my organization. We need this ASAP!


I agree.  In learning the Report tool in Pro, I believe I have searched and reviewed all of the available online help resources.  The Report tool appears to provide tabled data only, and there is no way to include maps, aside from inserting a static image on the report cover.  In my application, I was hoping to show the point locations of some Workforce assignments on a map, and then have the table of results follow.  The Survey123 Feature Report tool, which leverages Word templates, works very well, and is easier to configure directly.


Hi Jay Hodny‌!

Thanks for the feedback. In Pro 2.6, you can add charts and related data to your reports. For Pro 2.7, we'll be adding maps and supplemental pages. We plan on custom user-defined templates (Michael McDuffee‌, I sent you an email about this!) in the near term.

Thanks again,




Is the out-of-the-box reporting tool that you are using in Pro equivalent to the tool in ArcMap?  I am using the ArcMap tool to just display simple reports that do not include any maps or charts or related data, so I wanted to see if that simpler setup is already available in Pro 2.5.x.


Hi Michael,

I have not used the ArcMap version, so tough for me to give a fair comparison.  If you are creating a report of the data as a table, then the tool in Pro works as expected.  If interested, I can email you a PDF of the report I created in Pro.  We need more flexibility in generating and tweaking the "written" report as one can do in Survey123's reporting tool which calls up MS Word templates.  Anyway, I am interested to see the next reporting versions in the upcoming releases of Pro.

