Change default web map layers displayed in Operations Dashboard

09-15-2017 05:24 AM
Status: Closed
New Contributor III

The web map that I'm using to build my dashboard has multiple layers.  When I load the dashboard it uses the layers that were turned on when saved as the default display layers.  For this dashboard, I want to display a different layer in the web map as the default which is the one I'm using for all of the other widgets. I can add the layer to the layer selection, but then I have to change the layer whenever the dashboard.  I would prefer to not save a new web map with that as the default layer as the workaround.  Perhaps it can be linked with a visible by default selection which choosing which layers are selectable in the web map.

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Status changed to: Closed

This idea has failed to gain traction, so we will close it. Please re-submit the idea if you'd like things to be reconsidered.