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Creating Power Automate (aka MS Flow) webhooks for Survey123 surveys in ArcGIS Online - Part 3

11-25-2019 06:02 AM
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Check out Part 1 and Part 2 of the series.

In the final part of this series we'll see how to set up an email template for our webhook containing dynamic elements from the survey data and where to access additional webhook settings.

The steps below build on the webhook started in Part 1 & 2 but can be applied to any other webhook.

1.  Click on Add an action under 'Convert time zone' of the If yes branch of your condition.No alt text provided for this image
2.   Search for ‘send an email’ and select the action from the result list. 
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3.   Complete the To and Subject fields (you should be able to search for your O365 contacts). 
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4.   Compose the message

What formats and options do we have to include different content? By default, your message is sent as plain text - no hyperlinks or bold/coloured text, but you can include dynamic content like your converted time and values from your submitted survey data. What if you want more?

At the bottom left of the Send an email step, there is an option called Show advanced options. Hidden here you have the availability to switch your email format to HTML (and include HTML formatting tags to change the look of your email), send the email on behalf of someone else, add attachments, set CC and BCC recipients, set the importance of your message and so on.
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That's general formatting out of the way, so we can now focus on including dynamic content in our message template. The following example will add a hyperlink to a web map that will show the location of the reported close call when it's clicked on. We will use a web map application that is shared with the relevant AGOL group(s), thus notified people can see the reported close call in a map.

The web map application to use may contain many other layers and we only want to show the one that contains the survey data and want to zoom in onto the close call location. How do we do this? Documentation to the rescue! The online help for Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS has a section about using URL parameters - we just need to have a look at the following sections:
  • Open a saved app
  • Set layer's visibility
  • Query a feature

Using the information from the help we can construct the url:

https://<your portal url>/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=<itemId>&showLayers=<layerID>&query=<layer...

Where to find the values required?
  • itemId: Open the item's page in AGOL and look at the end of the URL in your web browser or scroll down to URL on the item's page and copy the hash value.

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  • queryField: this is the field from your layer to use for the query. (We use the OBJECTID in our example.)

  • queryValue: value coming from your survey data, so your link is dynamic and will work with any close calls. (For testing purposes you can use a static value.)

It is highly recommended to test your URL in a web browser to make sure your web map application loads with the layers you need and shows the queried feature. It would look something like this: 

Once the URL is tested and you are happy with the results, it can go in to the email message with the rest of the dynamic content (change to 'Yes' under Is HTML first in advanced options). An example can be seen below.

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The sent email would look like this: 

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Clicking on the hyperlink opens the web map application, pans to the feature and displays a pop-up:

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With using dynamic content in custom functions in the body of your message you can create a template that could be dynamically updated with the correct close call reason for example: No alt text provided for this image

Additional webhook settings on the Survey123 website

Most of your webhook settings can be controlled in your Power Automate (aka MS Flow) account, but there are a few settings that can only be accessed on the Survey123 website.

1.  Open your web browser and go to

2.  Log in and find the survey with the webhook in question

3.  Click on the ellipsis (...) button and select Settings

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4.  Click on Webhooks on the left-hand side to see all webhooks for your survey

5.  Click on Edit (the pencil icon) under Operations to see more details No alt text provided for this image

6.  On the new page you can make changes to your webhook:

  • Edit its name
  • Change when it should be triggered: new records submitted, existing records edited
  • Event data: information included in the payload. Hover over the grey '?' icon after each item to see the information they include
  • Turn the webhook off or back on

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NB: Changing the payload URL can break your webhook, only do it if you are sure you know what you're doing.


In this series of articles you learnt how to

  • Create a new webhook in Power Automate (MS Flow) for a Survey123 survey
  • Add conditions, convert and format the survey time
  • Send a notification email with dynamic content as part of the webhook
  • Find additional settings for your webhook

I hope you enjoyed the series! Feel free to share the articles with your network, leave feedback or message. 

You can download the article series in PDF format from here.

About the Author
GIS specialist with over 20 years of professional experience providing consultancy, technical support, training and delivering high quality solutions and support for projects that have a requirement for spatial data interpretation and analysis. Main areas of expertise include (but not exclusively) data management, spatial analysis and modelling, cartography, desktop, mobile and web GIS, Python/ArcPy and webhooks with Power Automate/MS Flow. Former Esri Hungary and Esri UK staff.