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March 2020 ArcGIS Online Beta Update: Coming in Two Weeks!

02-24-2020 08:50 PM
by Anonymous User
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If you would like to join the ArcGIS Online beta program, follow this link: ArcGIS Online Early Adopter Program

Some of the new features coming to ArcGIS Online in the March 2020 Update include:

  • Next generation builder for ArcGIS Online's Configurable Applications
  • New support for Social Logins with GitHub
  • Embed Videos in Item Details
  • Improved Group Sharing

Note: The following blog describes the ArcGIS Online Early Adopter Community (EAC) and why you might benefit from participating in the beta: What is ArcGIS Online EAC and Why Join? 

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to comment below and Julia Shi‌ or myself can assist.