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This Week's Picks - ArcGIS Pro #4

12-05-2019 08:47 AM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
12 2 2,191

Welcome to the fourth installment of “This Week’s Picks” - ArcGIS Pro, Product Advocacy’s unofficial recurring GeoNet blog that highlights some of my favorite ArcGIS Pro content with the community.


If you are interested in previous posts, they are archived here:


The focus for this week is on How-To do three different things involving ArcGIS Pro. While limiting to three is difficult given the abundance of good How-To content out there, these picks were selected from recent support topics or questions. They range from basic to more advanced workflows and will be a part of a mini-series.


This week’s How-To Vol. 1 picks will cover:


  1. How to set default folder and database connections
  2. How to schedule a Python script or model to run at a specific time
  3. How to publish a custom print service and share print tools

 This Week

1. How to set Default Folder and Database Connections in ArcGIS Pro

A comment/concern I see periodically is about database and folder connections not persisting between new projects in ArcGIS Pro, or how this differs from ArcMap. While this is true due to the project-centric nature of ArcGIS Pro, there are a couple strategies that can be used to manage and remember these connections. While you may be familiar with Project Favorites, this resource also discusses leveraging Project Templates for standardizing and organizing maps to focus on just the requisite folders and database connections. See the video from Esri Canada that dives into both options here


Additional Resources:

Create a project template

Project Favorites


2. Scheduling a Python script or model to run at a prescribed time: 2019 update

No longer a new concept but one that comes up frequently concerns running a Python script or ModelBuilder model at a designated time. This topic has been written about in years past, but until this is baked into ArcGIS Pro, this blog was revised to reflect the current products and versions for 2019. For those newer to automation, this is a great resource for the task at hand whether you’re using a script or have built a model and want to dive into Windows Task Scheduler for setting up routine GIS workflows. Check it out here.

UPDATE: It is confirmed that ArcGIS Pro 2.5 will have the built-in ability to schedule geoprocessing tools. 


3. How to publish a custom print service and share Print Tools from ArcGIS Pro, tips and tricks

For those with ArcGIS Enterprise or ArcGIS Enterprise portal, this blog walks through customizing print services and publishing them from ArcGIS Pro to take advantage of new functionality at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6.1 and later around sharing your print services from ArcGIS Pro. Those coming from ArcMap or who are new to this workflow in ArcGIS Pro is the target audience. And yes, you can publish a print service to a standalone ArcGIS Server (10.6 or later) starting with ArcGIS Pro 2.4! Take a look at the blog here.


Additional Resources:

Share a print service web tool with custom layouts from ArcGIS Pro


I hope you enjoyed this week’s How-To picks Vol. 1. Stay tuned for Vol. 2 in a future post and if you are interested you can also check out This Week's Picks - ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise. Thanks for reading!

