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(Implemented) QuickCapture forms to populate attribute data

10-30-2019 03:36 PM
New Contributor III

It would be great to add a feature to QuickCapture that would allow users to fill out a form at the beginning of a fieldwork session and have that data populate the attributes of each point they capture in a session. In my specific case I would like herbicide applicators to be able to input the herbicide they're using before they initiate spraying and using QuickCapture to record treatment locations. That herbicide information would then be populated into the fields associated with every point they take because it will not change throughout the day. Other valuable information would be the applicator's name, weather conditions, application method, etc.






Hi Nathan Johnson‌ - when submitting an idea, please make sure to add at least a Category and it can also be helpful to add tags.  I added ArcGIS QuickCapture to this one so that it doesn't get missed by that team.

Thank you!

Status changed to: Needs Clarification

HI @NathanJohnson   Have you looked at Project User Input Variables?  We just added support for up to 3 project user inputs. Will this suffice?


Added support for multiple button user inputs in the September 2022 release.